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Some searches are a little slow, but we're working on it.

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Curiosity, Not Mastery: Three Dimensional Shoulder and Hip Circles (Patrons)

Familiar ATM explorations are cast in a new light as we discover how the torso interacts with the ground and reshapes itself three dimensionally to generate action in faraway parts of the body. Later, a few playfully elaborate variations humble us all, but the goal is curiosity, not mastery. Notice how much change takes place, how much more ease and control is created, when "failure" is lighthearted. Framed with brief explorations of the diagonal relationships of walking.


Essence for "Experts": Whole Body Arms (31m, Patrons)

A review version of this lesson. Organize action from your head, spine, and tail, and refresh their functional relationships with your shoulders. Then it's time for the arms: twist, roll, reach, and circle them while sustaining whole body awareness.
February 12, 2025


Long Belly, Strong Back Workshop Discussion 1 (10m)

Nick and students discuss the emotional overtones of this workshop, the difference between lifting up and through from your standing foot and simply pressing it, ground reaction forces, and more.
February 7, 2025


Long Belly, Strong Back Workshop Discussion 2 (7m)

Nick leads a little postural experiment and speaks to the "psycho-social-sexual stuff" of this material, and a student offers wisdom from a female perspective.
February 7, 2025


Long Belly, Strong Back: Expanded Workshop Version (Patrons)

A 3-minute talk introduces the workshop. Then, after a few explorations in standing, you'll lie down and dive into quiet, precise movements of your pubic bone, sternum, scapulas, and sitbones designed to organize your spine and hips for powerful action and easier uprightness. Late in the lesson, juxtapose your new skills with common movement habits that diminish our abilities and confidence: do you press the ground or lift up and through? Are your hips in front of the action or behind it? The more clearly you sense these differences in all that you do, the better life gets.

Nick's Podcast Interview on The Future of Wellness

Links to Nick's "Practical Neuroplasticity" episode of the Future of Wellness podcast. On this podcast, which explores the art of wellbeing and the science of self-transformation, hosts Christabel Armsden and Keith Parker invite experts to talk about the intersections of somatic therapies, neuroscience, meditation, and more.
January 17, 2025


Head Under the Gap, Supine: Workshop/Review Version (32m, Patrons)

Designed to clarify and distribute the image of arching and turning your whole self after you've explored the Long Belly, Strong Back lesson. Explore the unusual support of a bridged hand and its fascinating extension implications for your scapulas, shoulder girdle, ribs, and neck. Great for posture, breath, athletics, confidence, and groundedness.
December 22, 2024

Anatomy in Action: Scapulas
(Members & Patrons bonus video)

Beginning with a brief illustrated talk, this gentle ATM lesson is designed to melt tension, reduce pain, and improve mobility for your neck, shoulders, arms, spine, and chest by developing awareness and integration of healthy scapular function. Along the way you'll reclaim easier upwards reaching, and improve your uprightness too!
December 22, 2024


Head Under the Gap, Supine (Patrons)

A new approach to a classic Feldenkrais lesson originally designed to clarify extension patterns in your shoulders, thoracic, and neck. After briefly introducing its challenges, this version backs up and uses the context of our Long Belly, Strong Back lessons to build pelvic and spinal support for the eventual return of arching and turning your scapulas and sternum with a bridged hand. Great for posture, breath, athletics, confidence, and groundedness. Framed with brief standing explorations.
December 10, 2024

List of All Our Short Lessons

We have 30+ lessons at The FP that are well under an hour—here they are!
December 5, 2024

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10 years of user discussion and Q&A with Nick!


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  1. Nick Strauss-Klein on September 28, 2023 at 11:11 am

    Please comment here if you get unexpected results, can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you think we’ve miscategorized a lesson.

    If you get few or no results, use the Reset Form button.

  2. Richard Fancy on November 4, 2023 at 3:46 pm

    I love this new search. The choices of duration, challenge, position enable me to specify-for myself-what I want to do with myself today.

  3. Elizabeth on February 1, 2024 at 2:54 am

    Hi Nick,

    Having done a search, is it possible to “save” the result?

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on February 1, 2024 at 6:18 pm

      We haven’t considered that feature, but we do have something coming out for all our Members and Patrons very soon that should help: the ability to mark lessons as “saved” or “favorites”. [UPDATE: Done! Check out My Journey.]

  4. Rachel Shaw on January 11, 2025 at 10:28 am

    Hello ☺️

    I’m wondering if you could please help direct me to a particular lesson I did some time ago? It was a full length lesson, (I’m sure it was a freely available to all one) which involved a lot of lying prone, lifting the head and then torso by following eyes forward along the ground in front of me and gradually further up the wall – as if following a little bug! I seem to remember you saying! – lengthening up through the front of the body. The lesson also included some lying supine, folding up with hands clasped behind the head and elbows reaching to knees. I’ve searched under various headings such as flexors/extensors/prone but without success.
    Thank you very much! I love your project it is a fantastic resource.

  5. Rachel Shaw on January 15, 2025 at 6:49 am

    Oh, thanks very much Nick and I’ll have a look at all those possibilities. I think it is the Patrons Basic Arching and Folding actually, brilliant thank you.

  6. susan Meier on February 25, 2025 at 4:13 pm

    Just wondering what would be the best exercise for tennis elbow if there is one. Thanks

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