This is the only one of the 12 lessons in Moshe Feldenkrais’s seminal book Awareness Through Movement that’s a lecture, not a movement lesson. You’ll learn about

  • continual refinement
  • “reversible” action
  • finding ease in strenuous actions
  • sensing skeletal mechanics and shearing forces
  • proportional use of musculature
  • the effects of self-limiting labels
  • Moshe Feldenkrais’s explanation of what Nick calls the “positive snowball effect” of longterm Feldenkrais study

This lesson is the only one of the lessons in Moshe Feldenkrais’s 1972 book Awareness Through Movement that is actually a lecture, not a movement lesson.

The Feldenkrais Project has a collection of all 12 lessons from this source.

The talk was recorded in The FP’s 5th Anniversary Donor Event on April 7, 2024.

See the Related Lessons tab: this event included an ATM lesson paired with the talk.

I designed an ATM lesson to illustrate many of the principles covered in this talk. It’s recommended study before or after, as it’s useful to attach experiential learning to the conceptual descriptions of the talk.

It’s called Reversible Diagonal Lengthening and Lifting (Members & Patrons) and it’s part of our bonus video content for all donors.

My Reversible Diagonal lesson is a variation on Feldenkrais’s Lesson #3 from his book, which he called Some Fundamental Properties of Movement (Patrons). That one is also a good followup, as it too flows out of the ideas Feldenkrais writes about in lesson #2.

This talk is my interpretation of lesson #2 in Moshe Feldenkrais’s 1972 book Awareness Through Movement, in my own words with marked quotes.

Got a question for Nick, or a thought about this lesson?

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  1. Anna on April 11, 2024 at 9:07 am

    This was the best I have ever heard about FK! I have done FK back-and-forth a little, but this gives me hope. I asked my practitioners for a beginners guide and have never received an answer, doesn’t exist, But now I think I have to start with these lessons from his book. Thank you so much for explaining it so clearly!!! Although it’s best and I need to listen again to learn more.

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on April 15, 2024 at 5:08 pm

      Thanks! It can be very challenging to speak plainly about the neurology and physics of neuromotor learning. The ATM book lessons are fascinating and some of them are very accessible. Others are not so good for beginners. I’ve got a recommended order you’ll see on our collection of all 12 ATM book lessons.

      The principles I was speaking about are present in all Feldenkrais lessons, so you’re also invited to dive in with Getting Oriented if you are a beginner. You might like the talks in that series, too.

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