
The FP Weekly Zoom Class

Pay-What-You-Can Tuition

Order Zoom links and replays below, or scroll down for our FAQ

9:30 AM Tuesdays USA Central time  or on demand via replay

Feb 4 is the last day November's Recent Replays will be available for sale below

Note: No class Feb 18

Choose your cost per lesson, then click specific dates to order Zoom links and/or replays

Some users' auto-fill software seems to stop their orders. Try entering info manually if you have trouble.

After completing your order, within a few minutes you will get one email per class or recording you ordered, from nick@feldenkraisproject.com. Search your email for "FP Weekly" (just like that, with the quotes) and check your spam folder if you don't see the email(s).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Got a different question? Contact me. I’ll do my very best to reply quickly. -Nick

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