Thank you for sustaining The Feldenkrais Project


Our mission is to share the life-changing benefits of Feldenkrais as widely as possible, and to elevate global interest in the Feldenkrais Method.

Our 50+ free audio lesson recordings and our outreach efforts are entirely funded by listeners like you! Your regular support is crucial for The FP's long term viability.

We are grateful for your help, and proud of the "thank you" benefits our Members & Patrons receive. Choose the donation type that works best for you:


With my donation, I want

Some Benefits


Support our free lessons – our Members keep the lights on!

Your donation of $3, $6, or $9 per month comes with these Member-level donor benefits:


Learn more about Member benefits

$3 monthly or
$6 monthly or
$9 monthly

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With my donation, I want

All the Benefits


Help us grow – Patrons fund new content and study tools, and our outreach efforts.

With a Patron-level donation you'll receive all Member benefits PLUS

Over 90 more lessons:

Track your progress through all these lessons and courses on My Journey



Learn more about Patron benefits

$21 monthly or
$54 quarterly ($18/month) or
$180 yearly ($15/month)

Become a Patron
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Cancel anytime


With my donation, I want

No Benefits


Love our free lessons and vision? Want to support our work in the simplest way you can?

Thank you!

No membership benefits, no login to remember.

Just 50+ high quality Feldenkrais lessons, available to you and the world, to study anytime!

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Any Time

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Click to donate by credit card,
Venmo, or check

About recurring donations:

It's easy to start, stop, and give only once if you wish. Learn more

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The Feldenkrais Project does not store your credit card data.

Our membership software works best with the credit card form below. It’s powered by Stripe, the internet’s leading secure payment processor. You can also use PayPal if needed.

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If you don't check the email box we'll only email you regarding changes in your donor account or benefits access.

PayPal user?

  • Please be sure to fully complete your checkout process. You'll know it's done when you are returned to this website for a confirmation page (click the button), and then you'll see a "thank you" page.
  • The Feldenkrais Project is a part of Twin Cities Feldenkrais, LLC. That's Nick Strauss-Klein's professional Feldenkrais practice. You may see this business name during checkout.

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