Sensing Stability: The Sacral Clock (Patrons)
Framed with explorations of dynamic stability in standing, this back-lying lesson is a play on Moshe Feldenkrais' most famous image. Small movements in an unusual configuration of the legs create a precise, gentle challenge designed to promote new awareness and choices for our hip joints, pelvis, and lower back (along with everything else).
We offer over 50 free lessons, but this one's just for our Patron-level donors. You can learn about it in the free lesson notes and comments below, but to access the audio you’ll need to join The FP as a Patron. Learn more
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This lesson was so interesting to do. I feel renewed interest in the pelvic clock and what it reveals about myself.
Thank you. This led me to places that felt central to the holding of unnecessary tension. Thank you for suggesting alternatives for comfort, it allowed me to access all variations eventually. And the eyes of the sit bones will forever be able to see too !!
The feedback gained trough touching the pubic bone helped a lot to “see” something new. The internet might bring a whole new dimension to feldenkrais. Thanks!
I appreciate the way we work with asymmetry in order to feel what true balance would be. A sensation of width and warmth across my sacrum now.