Project Updates Blog

PSA: Another Feldenkrais Teacher Training Starts Soon!

July 4, 2024

Whether you simply want to immerse yourself as deeply as possible in Feldenkrais study or you’re planning to integrate Feldenkrais into your career, a Feldenkrais Professional Training Program is an amazing learning opportunity.

Joining a Feldenkrais training was one most significant and personally beneficial choices I’ve ever made, and not just because I’ve made a career teaching this method that I love. My Feldenkrais training was like an instruction manual for being human, and for life-long learning and maturing.


Bonus Video Content

July 5, 2024

The FP’s lessons are mostly audio because it’s the best medium for most at-home Feldenkrais study. But there are exceptions, and our Members & Patrons have exclusive access!


Tip for donors: How to stay logged in, why it helps, and why it’s safe

April 25, 2024

  With our new “My Journey” study tool and its recent upgrades, The FP has become a personalized lesson tracking web app for our Members and Patrons, not just a website. Being logged into your donor account allows you to take advantage of all these new study tracking tools, and many more donor benefits. No…


Our “save & fave” feature for tracking lessons just got even better

April 24, 2024

  Good news! We’ve just combined our recent website upgrades to make some very useful improvements to My Journey, our study tracking software for all donors. If you haven’t tried it yet or you’re not yet a donor, click that link to learn more.   Members and Patrons, this means you can now “save & fave”…


Donor Event: 5th Anniversary Update and "Reversible Diagonals" Lesson
(Members & Patrons bonus video)

July 1, 2024

Unique content in this Zoom replay includes

  • Project Update: Where we’ve been, how we’ve done it, and where we’re headed next.
  • Lesson: Reversible Diagonal Lengthening and Lifting, with “Piano Playing” Fingers and Toes (back-lying and front-lying)

The FP’s Birthday Bonanza: New Course, New Lessons, New Study Tool!

March 13, 2024

It’s time to celebrate! Five years ago today, with the support of hundreds of donors and thousands of listeners, we launched in pursuit of a shared vision. Since then it’s become one of the top Feldenkrais destinations on the internet. Our wonderful global community of has expanded dramatically. Our library of audio lessons has…


Self Empowerment Workshop
(Members & Patrons bonus video)

June 7, 2024

Includes two ATM lessons and a FREE talk

  • Lesson #1, Heel Spirals Through Buttocks, Hips, and Shoulders (back-lying), combines and refines ideas from the three Lifting Up and Through lessons
  • Lesson #2, Integrating the Feet for Potent Uprightness (back-lying), grounds us in another way, making all that we do in gravity easier

PSA: Feldenkrais Teacher Training Starts Soon!

July 4, 2024

Whether you simply want to immerse yourself as deeply as possible in Feldenkrais study or you’re planning to integrate Feldenkrais into your career, a Feldenkrais Professional Training Program is an amazing learning opportunity.

Joining a Feldenkrais training was one most significant and personally beneficial choices I’ve ever made, and not just because I’ve made a career teaching this method that I love. My Feldenkrais training was like an instruction manual for being human, and for life-long learning and maturing.


2023 By the Numbers – How much Feldenkrais did we share?!

January 16, 2024

Happy New Year! 2024 brings an anniversary that doesn’t seem possible: our “new” website turns five in March! For five years, listeners, donors, and I have been collaborating to spread the life-changing benefits of Feldenkrais study as widely as possible.     This year I’ll be exploring some exciting new ways to elevate global awareness…


Another Holiday Gift from The FP: New Free Lesson!
Plus a new lesson for Members and Patrons

December 26, 2023

Happy Holidays! Here’s another gift for everyone, from The FP: Lifting Up and Through is a brand new addition to our free lesson collection called Better Posture, Walking, and Running.     Linked below, this lesson introduces a more elegant and potent relationship with gravity. Experience the difference between pushing into the ground as you…