These audio lessons are sourced directly from Moshe Feldenkrais's 1972 book, Awareness Through Movement. He lays out his method in part 1 of the book, then illustrates his ideas with the 12 lessons of part 2, which he calls "Doing to Understand."

Lesson #2 is a free talk which can serve as an introduction to the series.

Over the years, the Feldenkrais Practitioner community has begun to teach many of these lessons in other ways, as I often do myself. But there’s great learning value in carefully examining Feldenkrais's originals, so for these recordings I've mostly retained his steps and lesson titles even as I teach in my own words. I sometimes take small liberties to make them more accessible and to follow the students I was watching.

This collection is for experienced Felden-fans. For a variety of reasons many of these lessons are more challenging than most other lessons on our website.

I especially recommend this collection to Feldenkrais professionals, trainees, and other movement professionals and super-movers.

There's great value in to studying Feldenkrais's text alongside my recorded interpretations. Here's my brief study guide, including a link to buy the book on Amazon.

- Nick Strauss-Klein


Each lesson can be studied on its own, or you can work your way through all of them, perhaps in tandem with reading the book

Descriptions of each lesson give you a sense of its aim, though everyone's learning process is unique and you may find other benefits.


What Is Good Posture? (Patrons)

Standing, chair-seated, and transitioning between. Experience for yourself Moshe Feldenkrais's three-part answer to his lesson title: 1) Good posture is synonymous with the greatest potential for action. 2) Whether we're standing, sitting, or anywhere in between, in good posture our bones (not our muscles) must continuously counteract gravity, leaving our musculature free for action. 3) Posture improves spontaneously when we eliminate superfluous efforts in the sit-stand-sit transition, as we become more sensitive to the physics and neurology of that function. A 5-minute talk begins the recording. Demonstrations and principles are in the Clarifications and Curiosities tabs.

Talk: What Action Is Good?

This is the only one of the 12 lessons in Moshe Feldenkrais’s seminal book Awareness Through Movement that's a lecture, not a movement lesson. As Nick summarizes and explains it, you’ll learn about continual refinement, “reversible” action, finding ease in strenuous actions, sensing skeletal mechanics and shearing forces, proportional use of musculature, the effects of self-limiting labels, and what Nick calls the “positive snowball effect” of longterm Feldenkrais study.

Some Fundamental Properties of Movement (Patrons)

Lying on the back and later on the front with the limbs in a large letter X shape, learning to lengthen and lift the limbs by organizing from the torso, discovering a pressing foundation, and inhibiting unnecessary shortening and tightening responses related to anticipated difficulty.

Differentiation of Parts and Functions in Breathing (Patrons)

Various positions, about half back-lying. Experiments designed to help you differentiate the various mechanisms of breathing, and to learn a fuller, more adaptable use of the diaphragm and ALL the ribs and surfaces of the torso. Uses what the Feldenkrais community calls “paradoxical breathing.”

Coordination of the Flexor Muscles and of the Extensors (Patrons)

Lying on the back, knees bent, one or both feet standing, variations on tilting crossed legs and "triangle" arms/shoulders in order to twist and untwist the torso, learning more awareness, control, and coordination of the major flexors (folding muscles) and extensors (arching muscles).

Differentiation of Pelvic Movements by Means of an Imaginary Clock (Patrons)

Lying on the back, mostly knees bent, feet standing, using the image of a clock painted on the back of the pelvis as a guide for building awareness and refining control of the pelvis, and relating it to movements of the head.

The Carriage of the Head Affects the State of the Musculature (Patrons)

Lying on the belly, knees bent, soles of feet oriented toward the ceiling, learning to tilt the feet to the side in order to integrate the pelvis, the length of the spine, and the ribs and shoulders with various configurations of the head and neck. Also, late in the lesson, discovering the potency of imagined movements.

Perfecting the Self-Image (Patrons)

Seated, back-lying, and eventually transitioning between, all while holding one foot in two hands. This lesson clarifies how our attention and sensory motor imagination can be consciously harnessed to improve our self-image, options, and behavior, since – as Moshe writes – "We act in accordance with our self-image."

Spatial Relationships as a Means to Coordinated Action (Patrons)

Floor-seated, with back-lying rests. Guided asymmetrical attention and imagination tasks are applied to symmetrical movements, powerfully demonstrating your nervous system's ability to change and improve your body, movement, and awareness based simply on what you pay attention to. See the Curiosities tab for a post-lesson discussion.

The Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body (Patrons)

Standing, then mostly side-sitting on the floor, with rests lying on the back. Discovering how improving the smooth tracking of the eyes in various turning motions can improve the whole self.

“Generalize Your Skills” (Patrons)

Front-lying. Become more skillful in everyday and high-performance actions by expanding your perception of the diagonals of the back of your body, with the help of an imaginary ball gradually rolling over you. Begins with a 5-minute talk about principles at work in this lesson.

Thinking and Breathing (Patrons)

Back-lying and seated, improving awareness and use of the whole breathing apparatus by directing attention to specific anatomy while experimenting with "stepped" breathing and different body configurations. Starts with an essential anatomy lesson that cultivates concepts and imagery used throughout the ATM lesson. Illustrations are below the lesson notes.

After you complete the collection, returning to lessons you've already done will yield new insights. It can be very surprising to new Feldenkrais students how lessons you "know" are a different, valuable experience on subsequent explorations.

You might also want to browse our Learning Guides for ideas to help bridge your Feldenkrais learning into everyday life.


  1. Juanalee park on November 6, 2017 at 8:00 am

    Hi Nick,
    I’m in training in Santa Fe with Diana Razumny. I would be very interested in your teaching of Moshe’s number 8, perfecting the self image. Are you going to post it soon?
    I have shared your website with many people and have enjoyed it and your teaching for several years. I live in a rural area and don’t have access to weekly classes so your site has been extremely helpful!
    Thanks so much

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on April 22, 2021 at 3:53 pm

      Thanks for your request – you can see in the comments below that you started a trend! It’s a longtime in coming, but I have now added the lesson you requested. It’s for Feldenkrais Project Patrons due to the time demands of resuming my old project of studying and recording these more challenging ATM book lessons.

      You can read the description of this lesson in our Straight from Class collection, and access it there if ever the time is right to become a Patron!

      I’m grateful for your motivating request, and your referrals to The FP!

  2. Robert Fox on April 10, 2020 at 9:36 am

    I’d like to see Number 8 too

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on April 10, 2020 at 11:48 am

      Thank you! That’s two votes do get to #8 first whenever I can return to this project. It’s on my list for this year, but…it’s become a very strange year (writing in April, 2020).

  3. Jennifer Ostermann on October 4, 2020 at 1:34 am

    I third the motion for #8.

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on October 4, 2020 at 10:03 am

      Thank you! It’s definitely on my list. Not sure when, but I think it’ll be the first one I add when I get a chance to continue working on this collection!

  4. Linda Flanders on February 19, 2021 at 9:20 am

    Hi Nick, I am going to add my vote for lesson #8 and urge you to make it a priority for 2021. People really need it. Really!

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on February 19, 2021 at 9:26 am

      On it! As you can see the groundswell is here, and I’ve been searching for ways to record within the constraints I give myself for the Feldenkrais Project. That is: a live, public teaching. I’ve actually found some new ideas recently for making this one accessible to the public. That said, what do you think about the idea of advertising a special recording session for experienced students/practitioners only?

      It is not a lesson I have ever thought of a way to teach to a newcomer, whereas I believe everything so far on our website has had that possibility in mind while teaching, aside from a few marked as “Part 2,” or “optional advanced.”

  5. Nancy Vineyard on February 25, 2021 at 4:19 pm

    Nick your teaching style lends itself well to students. I have not studied to become a teacher, but have studied for 20 years. I have worked with two teachers who were taught by Russell Delmam, a Moishe student. They were both excellent. You bring a freshness to your word choices that I find inspires me to continue.

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on February 25, 2021 at 5:08 pm

      Glad to hear it. Delman has had a big influence on me, but only through one weekend workshop and his recordings, which I think are excellent.

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