
Become a Teacher

This page is part of our 2024 initiative to support the Feldenkrais profession more directly, as an additional way to pursue our vision.

The Feldenkrais Institute of Ann Arbor has just begun a Feldenkrais teacher training, and open enrollment running through 2024.

Not a USA Midwest local? No problem! Much of this training is online, and the in-person setting is a gorgeous, comfortable place to visit twice a year. There is also a discount available for out of state and international students.


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The Feldenkrais Manhattan Teacher Training begins fall of 2024! Teachers include some of Nick's favorites: David Zemach-Bersin and Sheryl Field.

This 3.5 year program is in-person in New York City. 40 days of training are spread throughout each year in the form of 4-day weekends and two longer segments. There are preview workshops in July and August.


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Please contact Nick or leave a comment below if you have news of upcoming Feldenkrais trainings you'd like us to share!

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