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Rotating, Interlacing, and Integrating the Hands, into Palms Lengthening Overhead (Patrons)

Reduce anxiety and organize your nervous system by refining simple, pleasurable actions of your hands, arms, and shoulders. Integrate them better with your head and eyes. Eventually expands into lengthening your whole self, with surprising effects on stability. Framed by brief explorations in standing.

Six Lessons for Anxiety

In this "little dip" you'll learn why Feldenkrais lessons have a profound calming effect on an anxious mind, and experience this phenomenon for yourself. The Feldenkrais learning process typically reduces anxiety and calms the mental landscape faster and more reliably than "working on" our thoughts and feelings directly.
June 18, 2024


Arms in a Hoop, with Continuous Ground Support (Patrons)

Back-lying, feet standing. Explore turning and twisting movements of the shoulders, pelvis, head, and eyes with arms held in a loose hoop in front of you, and find a flowing sense of ground support through your feet and back. Framed by detailed experiments in standing which connect your mat learning to upright life.

Bonus Video Content

The FP's lessons are mostly audio because it's the best medium for most at-home Feldenkrais study. But there are exceptions, and our Members & Patrons have exclusive access!
May 9, 2024

What Action Is Good? Feldenkrais's Answer

This "little dip" includes a talk and lessons. We explore Moshe Feldenkrais’s answer to his titular question for lesson #2 in his book Awareness Through Movement. His answer is multi-faceted, fascinating, and worth studying intellectually and experientially.
April 25, 2024


Breathing for Liftoff (35m + 25m, Patrons)

This pair of short lessons is designed to be completed together the first time, or with a short break between them.
  • Lesson 1 - Reduce tension and anxiety and free your breath by sensing the details of how you hold and release it, then explore a new image of exchanging air with the environment.
  • Lesson 2 (begin at 34:00) - Experiment with the elasticity of both the ground and your breathing apparatus, and directly experience what physicists call ground reaction forces.

Donor Event: 5th Anniversary Update and "Reversible Diagonals" Lesson
(Members & Patrons bonus video)

Unique content in this Zoom replay includes
  • Project Update: Where we've been, how we've done it, and where we're headed next.
  • Lesson: Reversible Diagonal Lengthening and Lifting, with “Piano Playing” Fingers and Toes (back-lying and front-lying)
April 7, 2024


Lifting Like a Baby + Simultaneous Lifting (Patrons)

Discover how baby-like games of effortlessness can make you a more poised and potent adult. Starts with explorations of how you first lifted your head while lying on your belly in your crib. Then in back-lying you'll learn to quietly, precisely lift and lower parts of your body while studying details of ground support, muscle tone, and reversibility of movement, leading to a discovery of surprising "new" baby skills at the end. Begins with a three-minute talk about the perceptual paradoxes of "effortless" movement.


Joyful Lifted Rolling (Patrons)

Starts with an exploration of grounding in standing. Then very simple side-lying movements gradually expand toward rolling. You'll learn to extend and gather the limbs on one side of your body, then the other, as you coordinate larger rolls with increasingly skillful control of your flexors and extensors. All this creates a profoundly lighter sense of your body and mind. Starts with a two-minute talk reviewing the major principles of grounding for liftoff.

Deep Dive: Grounding for Liftoff

Connect to the ground so clearly that you move as if weightless. Learn to draw the earth’s buoyancy up and through yourself and into action.
February 28, 2024

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  1. Nick Strauss-Klein on September 28, 2023 at 11:11 am

    Please comment here if you get unexpected results, can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you think we’ve miscategorized a lesson.

    If you get few or no results, use the Reset Form button.

  2. Richard Fancy on November 4, 2023 at 3:46 pm

    I love this new search. The choices of duration, challenge, position enable me to specify-for myself-what I want to do with myself today.

  3. Elizabeth on February 1, 2024 at 2:54 am

    Hi Nick,

    Having done a search, is it possible to “save” the result?

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on February 1, 2024 at 6:18 pm

      We haven’t considered that feature, but we do have something coming out for all our Members and Patrons very soon that should help: the ability to mark lessons as “saved” or “favorites”. [UPDATE: Done! Check out My Journey.]

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