This talk segues directly into an Awareness Through Movement lesson:

Go on to Lesson 6

This audio recording is found in Getting Oriented, our introductory collection of Feldenkrais basics for newcomers (and longtimers looking for a “tune-up”).

This lesson was recorded in an introductory workshop called Move Smarter, Safer, and Stronger with Feldenkrais: Stretch without Strain.

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Feldenkrais Project Patrons can listen to the Stretch Without Strain talks and lessons from our Getting Oriented series without interruption as a complete 70-minute workshop recording.

Members and Patrons. Learn more or login:

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  1. Joanne Kaczowka on April 26, 2020 at 7:04 am

    How many times do you suggest we do a lesson before we move on to the next one?

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on April 26, 2020 at 4:14 pm

      Your ability to learn and benefit the most from each lesson is based on your comfort and curiosity, so if you’re thoroughly enjoying a lesson and you feel like you’re getting a lot out of it and want more, go ahead and repeat it, even multiple times over a few days.

      However, studying Feldenkrais lessons is not about mastery or performance. It’s truly exploratory movement, and the value is in the fullness of your engagement with it. If anything feels rote, it’s time to move on.

      A lot of people will go straight through a collection of lessons like this one and then start over, or revisit their favorites. It’s also ok to “graduate” immediately after completing Getting Oriented and head into our other collections.

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