This talk segues directly into an Awareness Through Movement lesson:

Go on to Lesson 5

This audio recording is found in Getting Oriented, our introductory collection of Feldenkrais basics for newcomers (and longtimers looking for a “tune-up”).

This lesson was recorded in an introductory workshop called Move Smarter, Safer, and Stronger with Feldenkrais: Stretch without Strain.

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Feldenkrais Project Patrons can listen to the Stretch Without Strain talks and lessons from our Getting Oriented series without interruption as a complete 70-minute workshop recording.

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  1. Connie on March 3, 2020 at 2:45 pm

    I love this discussion and these lessons. I’ve thought so many times about stretching and often ask myself, “What happens if I stop before I actually get to the stretch?” We are all so primed to think that that deep (sometimes painful) stretch is good and useful. One of my fundamental learnings from Feldenkrais is that I can often find the benefit prior to the stretch, absolutely before the strain.

  2. Andrea on May 6, 2020 at 2:57 pm

    My problem is that I don’t feel the strain until the next day. Then it’s too late. Maybe because I’m hypermobile?? I don’t know, but I feel the “work” or “overworked” too late to make changes in my practice.

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on May 8, 2020 at 5:44 pm

      There’s a kind of recalibrating to ourselves that happens in Feldenkrais study. Often people surprise themselves at first like this, discovering they’ve done too much after the fact, though they didn’t sense it was too much during the lesson. It can be hard to be patient and present with very tiny movements, but I recommend experimenting with doing the movements almost “microscopically”. Especially in these shorter Getting Oriented lessons, err on the side of “these movements I’m making must be too small to be useful” and see what happens! You may be surprised that you can get a ton of benefit from a lesson that you “did” more in your imagination than in visible movement. If you can learn the value of this end of the movement spectrum you’ll speed up the calibration process of keeping yourself comfortable (even the day after) by really learning how little you need to “do” to benefit from Feldenkrais. The process takes time and a little trust, but I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Let me know how it goes!

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