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  • Track lessons you've done. "Exploring" is a great way to think of them since your nervous system continues to process. Return to lessons you've found particularly helpful or curious.
  • Or track lessons you intend to do. As you browse through our Collections, Deep Dives, and lesson notes tabs, save lessons that intrigue you. You can even save Today's Lesson for later!
  • Track assignments from Feldenkrais teachers. You might save "homework" ideas from our weekly class replay emails. Or if you're studying with a one-to-one Feldenkrais teacher they can help you create a personalized list of lessons to explore.


Here's an example list:


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  1. Sara on February 20, 2024 at 1:00 am

    Thank you so much for continuing to expand patron benefits [NOTE: Saving and “Favoriting” is for ALL donors, both Members AND Patrons. -Nick]. I am going to find this useful, as I do have favorites I turn to either for deep relaxation or for ongoing improvements.

  2. Nate Loker on February 26, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    I LOVE the history section! Thank you so much Nick! Is there a way to do more than the last 40? Either way I am very happy about this feature!

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on February 26, 2024 at 2:51 pm

      Yes, we could do that. 40 was somewhat arbitrary; we have 135 lessons at this moment and a history of the last 40 seemed like enough. But we may lack imagination, so please reply and say something about how you would use it if history saved more!

  3. Nate Loker on April 15, 2024 at 10:23 am

    Hey sorry I thought I left a reply but I guess it didn’t submit. The only reason I want more is so that I can track the lessons I do over a longer period of time. I try to do at least two lessons a week so having more history would be great. I also repeat lessons quite often as I almost always get something new when repeating them.

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on May 14, 2024 at 3:51 pm

      After an offline conversation with Nate we decided to try a History of 100. And you can now see your icons on items in the History list.

      Hopefully this is useful! Please keep the feedback coming.

  4. ELLEN KUSHNER on April 17, 2024 at 4:04 pm

    I really appreciate having this tool!
    I can never remember what I’ve done and what I haven’t done. And I’ve lost a couple of favorites in the past.

  5. Trudy Jacquelin on May 2, 2024 at 4:59 am

    I so love this new functionality of saving lessons and setting faves as well. I was beginning to take a paper trail but this has made it so much easier to track my routine very much more easily without having to search over and over to repeat lessons etc.

    Your love of this craft Nick is outstanding and even tho I am in Australia, and have never joined a live session either, I still feel your comforting and clear instructions so readily – like I was in a face to face class and you were talking directly to me. A million times thank you. You are the one practitioner that would make me want to go and study Feldenkrais!

    • Anne on September 1, 2024 at 3:11 pm

      Connecting the hips and shoulders part one and two are my favourite lessons. They have a great effect on my posture and ease of walking and an effect on my general movement making me walk and move with ease. I love the way I can go back to lessons again and again and learn something new about my body each time.

  6. Nick Strauss-Klein on August 29, 2024 at 10:57 am

    [Updated Oct 1, 2024]

    See community FAVORITES and share your own below!

    In September 2024 we held a comments contest inviting users to share their favorite Feldenkrais Project lesson and why they love it. They built this list of dozens of lessons. If their comment inspires you, link to their fave to learn more or try it!

    The contest is over, but we hope you’ll still share your own favorite. I’ll add a link so others can find it easily. Just scroll to the bottom of the list and type under the “Leave a Comment” heading. It’s a great way to support our learning community!

    IMPORTANT: UNCHECK “Notify me if Nick or others reply or comment” unless you want to be emailed every time someone adds a favorite.

    • RinS on September 14, 2024 at 6:57 am

      I want to participate in answering the question as a huge thank you and gratitude to Nick.
      Building and maintaining this website with such superb quality and helping people is something I am so grateful every day. Gives to so many vitamin L, J, G, H and the highest we seek for the days we have left in life.

      I absolutely love Nick’s voice, he masterfully attunes directions in a simple and natural way. I have loved when he says “yeeeeeah” when giving permission for a move or enjoying the result of the process.
      I look forward to learn more.


      I find the question “favorite lesson” quite challenging because it is hard to pick one…..
      I found myself going back and forth to “Softening the ribs” lesson. I cant event list the effects it has!!! Whatever lessons you take that one is a wonderful invigoration. Nothing else had achieved the revelations I keep devouring during this lesson.

      Thank you♥️for the amazing work and help you bring🙏

    • Ruben on September 24, 2024 at 9:19 am

      I love all the lessons I’ve done on this site, but the one that comes to my mind right now is LEGS FREE AS A BABY.
      I’m not sure how a baby really feels about its legs (or about freedom?), but my emotional and mental state after doing that lesson was perfectly captured by that title.
      Thank you, Nick!

    • Deborah on September 30, 2024 at 3:17 pm

      Chanukia, the Candle Holder Lesson – Is my current favorite. Having severe ME/CFS there is much of each lessons I am unable to do. But so much benefit for the little I am physically able to do and the process and words of imagine the next steps, helps what I am currently able to do but also feel it sets me up neurologically that at a point i can do little or big more, it is the the highway is already in place and will give ease to the dance of moment once ready. I also liked the “ok to dance wrong” because right or wrong it is still dancing! The lead with your chin, was especially helpful as i felt it opened and lengthened the space between the bottom of my neck and shoulder joint, which then helped them sit more even and open. Also the process and thought of the difference of rolling the palms facing up and down, even that simple movement, even though i wasn’t able to fully do the other movements, added some ease and opening and something even when i am in my wheelchair and feel some unrest in my arms could do with my palms in my lap. As always, thanks for these lessons Nick! You imporve everyones dancing! no matter how it looks! 😃

  7. JLS on September 1, 2024 at 10:47 am

    Chanukia, the Candle Holder Lesson, is probably my favorite because it’s definitely the one I’ve done most! I like how upright I feel when I finish.

    • Sue on September 1, 2024 at 11:52 am

      Side clock – my torso feels so free afterwards

  8. Maciej on September 1, 2024 at 11:17 am

    My Favorite Lesson is: Free your torso for Better Posture, walking and Running
    I like this lesson because I discovered more deeply connection between my torso and legs. I love this connection. I use these what I found through this lesson each day. I love walking This is one of my most important activity and now I can do it with more awareness and I use more of my whole self. Thank you.

  9. Carla on September 1, 2024 at 11:43 am

    Relaxing your neck and jaw is my favourite lesson. It’s only 39 minutes and after I do it I feel like wobbly relaxed jello. It really connects you to the link between head and pelvis.

  10. Judith G on September 1, 2024 at 12:18 pm

    My Favorite Lesson is: Free your torso for Better Posture, walking and Running
    It is my favorite because I have scoliosis curves in my back and have found nothing that works as well to increase symmetry and decrease pain.

  11. WD on September 1, 2024 at 1:13 pm

    More precise hips and spine is a lesson I’ve done a lot. Really helps a tricky area in my self and lets me walk and stand more freely

  12. Joan on September 1, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    my favorite lesson is rock ‘n’ roll. Because it’s just plain fun.

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on September 6, 2024 at 4:44 pm

      We’re not sure which lesson this is yet, Joan. Perhaps one from our Rock & Roll! (and Rotate) Deep Dive? Let us know!

  13. Danae on September 2, 2024 at 12:44 am

    The Hip Joints: Moving Proximal Around Distal – is my favorite lesson so far. I have sciatica and while ding the lesson, I felt my hip relaxing in a way I haven’t felt before. So nice.

  14. Carole on September 2, 2024 at 5:26 am

    I love Simple Self Hug because it is very grounding for me. It relieves stress, trauma and is also comforting when I hug myself.

  15. luca incorvaia on September 2, 2024 at 8:09 am

    Legs as free as a baby’s – the public version. It just makes me feel so good in ways I keep forgetting are possible.

  16. Nogales on September 2, 2024 at 11:52 am

    The lesson that I find most beneficial is the Chanukia, the Candle Holder. I have a tendency to have a rounded upper back in my daily life, regardless of my position. This posture often leads to forward head posture, neck pain, and a more pronounced double chin (ouch). However, practicing the Chanukia, the Candle Holder Lesson provides a sense of relief, as it feels like a gentle hand is guiding my upper back into a more aligned position. This practice also helps me to relax my arms and improve my overall posture. It makes me feel more buoyant

  17. Renate on September 3, 2024 at 5:36 am

    Rolling with length is my favorite lesson. I really feel like a child discovering his body. I also have mild scoliosis and after the lesson I can clearly feel my center. A wonderful feeling!

  18. Catherine WHITE on September 3, 2024 at 1:48 pm

    Lifting Up and Through is my favorite Lesson. I have CMT and wear leg braces. In general, my legs feel very heavy. This lesson reminds me that I can lift up and through my pelvis, sternum and shoulder blades and my legs don’t need to do all the work! When walking or climbing stairs, my mantra is “Lift up and through” and I feel lighter! So liberating!

  19. Hanneke De Witte on September 5, 2024 at 12:08 pm

    My favourite lesson is length without effort. Ilove the meaningful simplicity of it. It’s one of the first lessons I did, and it gave me the feeling that I was learning something without being able to (or needing to) give words to what or how. I thoroughly enjoy all the “twisty” lessons, but always return to this one when I’m struggling with my illness (or with anything really) and needing to ground myself.

  20. Muriel Soriano on September 5, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    My favourite lesson is The ultimate Self Hug! the name is brilliant and it does exactly what’s on the label! you get a hug and your body feels looser and freed around the ribs and middle. The hips and shoulders are loose and I’m standing straighter!

  21. Sara on September 6, 2024 at 5:30 am

    It’s so hard to choose but Drifting the Knees and Nose for Simpler Turns and Twists (Patrons) is my go-to lesson when I want to slow myself down and remember how to allow involvement of my whole being without overdoing, which I find to be a quintessential ATM learning.

  22. Susan S on September 6, 2024 at 5:43 am

    Relaxing the neck and jaw.
    Feldenkrais never fails to amaze me how such small seeming unrelated movements can do so much good and spread to parts of my body I wasn’t even working on!
    Amazing! Thank you for what you do.

  23. Florence on September 6, 2024 at 8:25 am

    Do we really have to pick? 🙂 All your lessons are an adventure and an invitation to learn more about ourselves. Listening in from France, I am so grateful for the resources you make available to all. If I have to choose… My favorite lesson is Fundamentals of a healthy back. Every time I do it I find more ways to integrate my entire spine, to start a “conversation” from my feet to the crown of my head.
    Thank you so much for all you do for us!

  24. Barbara on September 6, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    Periscope 2 (Patrons): This lesson is like a key that unlocks, if only temporarily, my scoliosis. The engagement of the visual system, both actually and in imagination, confers a deep tranquility. Especially as taught by Nick, this lesson comprises the richness of the Feldenkrais Method®: thinking, feeling, sensing, and moving. I love the tactile witness of one’s own hand; the sheer pleasure of sweeping the hand in an arc, “trailing streamers”; the awakening of the clavicle-sternum-scapula ensemble; the surprising awareness and discovery that comes from the challenge of constraints; and the ultimate integration. Beautiful, beautiful!

  25. Nai on September 7, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    Bending sideways

    This lesson is very accessible but leaves such profound impact.
    It cultivates connections with the pelvis, spine, neck head and rib basket. The results are walking with ease, better balance and posture with improved breathing. There was a feeling of wholeness and grace that lasts. Thank you Nick!

  26. Margaret Marcuson on September 11, 2024 at 4:50 pm

    Pelvic Floor Connections (37 minutes, Patrons) (and all the pelvic floor lessons). It transformed my thinking about the pelvic floor.

  27. Katharina Schmidt-Bruecken on September 14, 2024 at 9:28 am

    The Buttocks. It evokes the power and strength in my inner center. Thus I feel stronger, more connected with myself, more grounded and more alive all at once.

  28. Isabelle on September 15, 2024 at 5:25 pm

    My overall favourite is The Hip Joints: Moving Proximal Around Distal altho the short jaw one comes a close second. What I love so much about proximal-distal is the way it made me realise the connection, not just up and down the spine, between movement at one side and the other. You think you’re moving one hip but you can’t help but also be moving the other. That helped me to begin to identify all of the ways that structures “get involved” when other structures move – awareness through movement!

  29. Lisanne Pearcy on September 17, 2024 at 12:50 am

    My favorite lesson so far is the Ultimate Self Hug. This is so helpful for my low-back tension, and I love the playful way of moving up and down the mat.

  30. Elizabeth on September 18, 2024 at 2:48 am

    softening the ribs. I liked the challenge of the lesson that I looked at the source of the lesson which was credited to the work of Arlyn Zones and her series of Flexible Chest. I was so impressed that I had to buy her series!

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on September 18, 2024 at 10:00 am

      I’m so pleased your interest led to purchasing Zones’ work! That’s a big part of my motivation in sharing my lesson sources.

  31. Kayo on September 18, 2024 at 11:24 pm

    Activating the Arches is my favorite lesson. It wasn’t easy to pick only one lesson out of all my favorites.
    I enjoyed the challenge to focus on the 4th toes and how to use them. The lesson was filled with aha moments for me. The biggest one was that one movement, pressing the feet on the floor to lift the pelvis, can transfer the force to two very different directions depending on how to use the knees. I loved it! Thank you.

  32. Stanislava K. on September 19, 2024 at 2:57 am

    Reaching, Rolling, and Ribs, this is my favorite lesson, even-though it is hard to choose one. Before the lesson, I wasn’t aware of my chest and ribs at all. It was like there is only space and nothing else. It is fascinating to feel, how the collar bone and the shoulder blade move and the ribs on the opposite site move as well, when I stretch the arm to the ceiling. It feels very good, when an imaginary friend pulls my arm to the ceiling. I have a lot of tension in my upper back, between my shoulder blades, in my neck. It gets relieved while doing these moves. And I just love the rolling. There are maybe memories from the infancy stored somewhere in the body, but the rolling is so freeing. I always feel much lighter after the session and as I breath, I feel my sternum, my back, my chest. Why doesn’t stay it that way? When I forget, I repeat the lesson.

  33. Oleksandra on September 19, 2024 at 1:09 pm

    Dear Nick and team, please accept my heartfelt grattitude for access to such a wonderful resourse. Thank you so much for being so open.
    The longer I study the method, the deeper influence it makes on me. Body awareness – seeing the connection between my body parts and emotions is one of the most impressive things the method has told me so far.
    The Buttocks is my favoirite lesson for now because activating buttoks os assosiated with happiness somehow for me. This lesson brings childish joy to my day.
    Hope it is the same for everyone.
    May everyone have a happy butt!

  34. Dianne on September 19, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    Nick’s lessons are all so good! Every few days, I decide I have a new favorite. My current favorite is Spine Like a Chain, with a Bias. I have done it several times now, and each time I discover more patterns of holding tension in my neck, shoulders, and upper back.

    • Christine on September 24, 2024 at 5:37 am

      Hi Dianne,
      yes, that’s my favorite lesson too. It’s like a charm, it works every time I feel distorted an I love Nick’s playfulness at the end.

  35. Mary on September 23, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    Nick, so many I feel ease. But even more importantly I have a sense that improvement is still possible! One of my favorites is , More Precise Hip and Spine. Right after the lesson, I feel strength in my torso. Sitting, standing more erect. My hips feel free and more coordinated.

  36. Ellen on September 24, 2024 at 10:55 am

    The Buttocks is one of my favourite these days. Why? Because I need it!

  37. Glynn on September 24, 2024 at 1:03 pm

    I always enjoy Legs as Free as a Baby’s .. not so much for the learning – I always get some new insights – but because it is so relaxing. And didn’t Moshe help the late Ben Gurion relax after his swim?

  38. ERa on September 25, 2024 at 2:32 am

    Hard to say. Easing the Jaw, Neck, and Shoulders is the one I’ve incorporated movements from the most into my life, but Moving the Proximal around the distal is the one I enjoyed most the first time I did it (though I hurt myself the second time).

  39. Kaye on September 26, 2024 at 4:16 am

    I have done many variations of the Pelvic Clock but this lesson, Your Navigational Pelvis is my favourite. It is such an immersive experience. it relieves like nothing else I know of any pain or discomfort in my hips, pelvis, and lower back. But probably more importantly, there are moments in this lesson where there is the indescribable experience of mind and body connection as you begin to navigate between the two and finally relax and give in, and wham the magic happens! The use of the compass metaphor and the head constraints highlight the complexity of this lesson. Thank you Nick.

  40. Sheila on September 26, 2024 at 9:07 pm

    The Buttocks! It makes me work, but it makes me laugh :-). I have a dormant right butt, so I get great value out of this Lesson. Many thanks.

  41. Rose on September 27, 2024 at 10:03 pm

    I’ve only done the first entry level lesson but it was a game changer. Everything I do in my day to day activities is so much more interesting and comfortable . I love the concept of “inviting” interested parts of the body to join in with the main movement . And Nick’s encouragement of individual creativity and comfort are gifts beyond compare!! Thank you, Nick, for giving me permission to enjoy growing, instead blindly following instructions and traditions.

  42. Ceci on September 28, 2024 at 3:30 am

    Lesson 1: Spinal Support and a Powerful Pelvis is my absolute favorite! It’s the perfect lesson—short enough to fit between other activities, mostly done lying on your back (my favorite position), and remarkably effective. What I love most is how it seamlessly integrates my entire body—feet, knees, hips, ribs, shoulders, and head—all working together in harmony. And it’s not just about the parts I can name; even the spaces between them seem to come alive through the movements.
    It’s a beautiful reminder that simple, mindful movements can lead to profound, lasting change. I’m so grateful to you, Nick, for making lessons like this one accessible to everyone, and I think it’s great that it’s included in the “Getting Oriented” Collection.

  43. kathie on September 28, 2024 at 7:41 am

    I am pretty new so it’s all amazing. I was most surprised by how powerful Freeing Your Breath and Spine is. As he says, it’s like using the breath to massage the inside. I’ve always been a shallow breather, so to use breath in this was was quite a “body opener” for me. In my journal I wrote “I never stand this way and it really helps my hips and LB. The space I now have is amazing! Definitely one to revisit again and again”. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for FP!

  44. AB on September 28, 2024 at 8:08 am

    I love how Nick teaches. His voice, tone, pace, and poetic language speaks the lesson into my bones. My favorite lesson is Activating Arches. This lesson gave me a huge aha! moment when I learned how to move the fibula in my knee by moving my foot on the floor. As an athlete who thought I knew my body, this was fascinating. I’ve done the lesson at least a dozen times since then and I use this knowledge when I walk, run, or hike.

  45. Eva Do on September 28, 2024 at 8:55 am

    Nick, I have done a lot of lessons with you so far. Many of them were familiar to me, as I am a F. Practitioner. However your attitude and voice made them speciall – thank you for that.
    My favorite lesson (so far) is one of those I experienced for the first time with your guidance. It is “The Buttocks“.
    The first time I did this ATM, I was about to stop the recording and said to myself: My goodness, that makes me feel really tired. I want to stop it!
    But after a while I started to realize how differently my two buttocks act, in that moment I was more and more interested. Although I doubted it at first, I eventually finished the lesson. And I swear, I won´t forget that lesson. It gave me so much information!
    Thank you and people involved in this project, Nick :-)!
    (Apologize mistakes in English please, as I am not a native speaker.)

  46. Gabs on September 28, 2024 at 9:19 am

    My favorite lessons are Easier Sitting Workshop Lessons 1 and 2. I know I should only choose one, but these lessons complement each other so perfectly that I don’t want to leave one out. In fact, I love doing them one after the other! I’ve been meditating for several years, and these lessons, which teach something as fundamental as how to sit on the sit bones, have been a wonderful revelation. It makes so much sense to think of the sit bones in sitting as being like our feet in standing. Through these lessons, I learned how to sit in a way that supports the rest of my body gracefully, and I’ve found so many opportunities to integrate this knowledge into my daily life. Thank you Nick!

  47. Grace on September 29, 2024 at 5:44 am

    Hands down 🙂 Activating the Arches, just about to do it now.
    Over the last year or so it has pretty much resolved an ankle injury that has plagued me since a millenial eve ceilidh.
    Something going on with the opposite knee these last days, I’m confident this lesson will free something/reset/rebalance a residue of nearly twenty-five years of compensation.

  48. Sara T. on September 30, 2024 at 12:30 pm

    Thank you, Nick, for all these great lessons! My favorite is “Relaxing Your Neck and Jaw“: I find it extremely relaxing!

  49. Nancy-Laurel Pettersen on September 30, 2024 at 12:37 pm

    I won’t win because I’m not following the rules, but I want to say it anyway:
    My favorite lesson is always the one I just did. No matter the lesson, the world and my relationship to it are always new at the end (and the lesson never really ends ‘-). It’s a corollary of Moshe saying “there’s only one lesson,” and that one lesson I think is Wake Up!!
    And I’ll just add because it’s true: the comment of a Feldenkrais colleague who described Nick’s teaching as “lapidary.” Ya.

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on September 30, 2024 at 10:07 pm

      Maybe it’s rule-breaking, but so is Feldenkrais study, often. I’m counting this as an entry because it’s not just clever, it’s pedagogically sound. A great perspective to share with other Felden-learners!

      I’ll be thinking about “Wake Up” as a shorthand for the method. I’ll be thinking about “lapidary,” too. Had to look that one up, but I’ll take it. 🙂

  50. Katharina on September 30, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    I love getting back to lesson No 1, because my hips love it. And the Candleholder lesson is wonderful for my lower cervical spine.

  51. Julia Frances on September 30, 2024 at 2:30 pm

    Folding, Foundation, and Feet is one of my faves, though everything in that collection of Lying down lessons for posture is great. The folding lesson really opened my eyes to a specific habitual holding pattern I have and wow, did I feel different afterwards- freer, more expansive and far more connected! Thanks Nick!!

  52. Linda Harter on September 30, 2024 at 3:47 pm

    One of my faves is One Bell Hand, 2 Bell hand which I experienced first as a Zoom lesson early in my Feldenkrais exploration. It revealed the connections throughout the body in a profound and totally unexpected way for me. Try it! I love the set up of the site and all of the offerings are wonderful. This contest helped me explore it a little more so thanks.

  53. Cath G on September 30, 2024 at 5:29 pm

    Connecting shoulders and hips part 1. Love the image of the ‘quadrilateral’ that carries you through all the stages of the lesson and the awareness and softening of the ribs.

  54. Judy O on September 30, 2024 at 8:01 pm

    The Buttocks” is my favorite lesson! I’ve been battling unidentified sore muscles surrounding my hip after straining it 2 months ago. Doing this lesson very mindfully felt clear and easy. After working with buttocks engaged in a way that made internal sense to me, I am loving the difference before and after the lesson. I now feel I ‘own’ and can use my buttocks in a way I didn’t understand internally before. Something clicked in this lesson for me, and I will use this new-found ‘buttocks knowledge’ on my daily walks, rising from a chair, driving!, gardening, and generally around the house. Thank you!

  55. Addi on September 30, 2024 at 8:21 pm

    so hard to pick just one/a fave–
    i Lov activating the arches, buttocks,; and periscope -but if i HAVE to pick just one, it is the pelvic clock w/the compass cardinal directions/N/E/S+W>>>lesson called?
    i don’t remember the names of lessons–
    but the ‘effects’ remain(!) to help me move more efficiently and without pain! BlessYou NS-K

  56. Larissa on September 30, 2024 at 8:31 pm

    the candle holder. It is one of the first that I did and I was amazed at how much better I felt afterwards

  57. Sarah on October 1, 2024 at 2:33 am

    Legs as free as a baby’s– I walk to work twice as fast after doing this one!

  58. Fay on October 1, 2024 at 5:23 am

    It’s a bit hard to pick just one but my favourite lesson is Simple Self Hug as it’s short and comforting. It really helped me when I had a recent shoulder injury.

  59. Barbara van Stek on October 1, 2024 at 7:18 am

    Freeing breath and spine at the moment. Being very high in my breath and having fallen twice hard flat on my back this year these movements are confusing and hopefull at the same time, the first time I did Freeing breath and spine I felt very upright again. Thanks Nick for your concise and friendly guidance, in appreciation, Barbara van Stek

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