The One Shoulder Lesson (19m, Patrons)
Don't miss this brief, potent, asymmetrical exploration of movements of one arm and shoulder in relationship with the whole self. It's intended to leave you experiencing the differences created between the two sides of your body, which is a curious and powerful learning state that will improve both sides. (You can also repeat the recording for the other side, or improvise it, later.)
We offer over 50 free lessons, but this one's just for our Patron-level donors. You can learn about it in the free lesson notes and comments below, but to access the audio you’ll need to join The FP as a Patron. Learn more
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At the end of this lesson, selecting my left shoulder,I had an overwhelming wish to come to standing from my left side. It seemed quite remarkable that this short lesson changed my long established habitual right side preference .I am 84yrs old.
Thanks for sharing! After more than 20 years of Feldenkrais I myself am still surprised by personal discoveries asymmetrical study can lead to.