The Power of One Foot (22m or 36m, Patrons)
A "short version" stopping point is noted in the middle. Back-lying, one knee bent, framed with brief walking explorations. This potently asymmetrical lesson dives deeply into the common ATM lesson ingredient of pushing one foot into the floor. Intended to inspire improvisation after studying, this lesson asks: can you learn how to improve how you’re feeling and functioning even with short or very simple ATM explorations? How about one-sided, or self-led?
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This is such an essential lesson. I was thinking it belonged in the getting started section, but you are speaking to those who have Feldenkrais experience in the lesson, so I guess not.
Wherever it lands, I hope it gets special flagging as foundational. I know it will be one I return to regularly while I allow deeper understanding to develop.
I’m glad it lands with you like this. Interesting that you mentioned Getting Oriented, since I had originally envisioned this lesson as part of that. But after I taught this version I had the same realization you did: there’s a lot of subtlety, and it’s best for experienced Felden-fans. It may need a more bare-bones teaching for that context, but I agree a version of it should be there, eventually – I’ll keep churning on this idea. And yes to a more prominent context elsewhere…maybe part of a new Patrons’ miniseries eventually.
Yay to more miniseries!! Great idea.
I find this lesson very useful when my knees don’t feel strong enough to support me going upstairs. I concentrate on placing the ball of my foot on the stair and using that to push through the skeleton for each stair, if that makes sense. I feel as if I’m using the strength of my whole skeleton which requires much less of the knee joint.
An amazingly interesting lesson. I felt like a flamingo.
Thank you for this lesson, Nick. When I walked around after the lesson, I felt a wonderful lightness on my right side, from pelvis to foot. It was particularly meaningful for me because I’ve been working to resolve (with PT) some right side shoulder and hip problems.
I have been through all the lessons, most several times.
The ‘initiate from the pelvis’ section finally woke up some muscles I had lost since a disc prolapse and a hernia repair.
I enjoyed doing this lesson all on the one side. It seemed to allow me more awareness of what I had learnt. Then I repeated the lesson on the other side several days later. It really amazed me how much I had learnt in the interim and how it had transferred to the other side. I seemed much more able to understand the movement and move easily and elegantly than if I had launched straight into doing everything on the second side. I will try some more lessons all on the one side.