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Long Belly, Strong Back: Expanded Workshop Version (Patrons)

A 3-minute talk introduces the workshop. Then, after a few explorations in standing, you'll lie down and dive into quiet, precise movements of your pubic bone, sternum, scapulas, and sitbones designed to organize your spine and hips for powerful action and easier uprightness. Late in the lesson, juxtapose your new skills with common movement habits that diminish our abilities and confidence: do you press the ground or lift up and through? Are your hips in front of the action or behind it? The more clearly you sense these differences in all that you do, the better life gets.

Head Under the Gap, Supine: Workshop/Review Version (32m, Patrons)

Designed to clarify and distribute the image of arching and turning your whole self after you've explored the Long Belly, Strong Back lesson. Explore the unusual support of a bridged hand and its fascinating extension implications for your scapulas, shoulder girdle, ribs, and neck. Great for posture, breath, athletics, confidence, and groundedness.

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