Differentiation of Pelvic Movements by Means of an Imaginary Clock (Patrons)
Lying on the back, mostly knees bent, feet standing, using the image of a clock painted on the back of the pelvis as a guide for building awareness and refining control of the pelvis, and relating it to movements of the head.
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If 12 o’clock is towards your head, wouldn’t 3 o’clock be to the left?
I’m glad you asked. Normally I teach this lesson with what I think is an easier-to-understand clock orientation, but because I’m following the Moshe Feldenkrais original lesson in the Awareness Through Movement book here, I do it his way in this one.
Moshe’s clock image is “painted” on the back of your pelvis, not on the floor as I usually teach it. You can jump to where I explain at the 10-minute mark in the lesson: 12:00 is painted on the top of the back of pelvis near your lumbar, 6:00 toward your tailbone, meaning 3:00 is right and 9:00 is left.
Is there a lesson that goes more in depth into the role of the foot and leg muscles in relation to these circular movements?
Yes, several! Start with Your Navigational Pelvis, and you might also want to explore Folding, Foundation, and Feet for some related work. Members and Patrons can see more options in the Related Lessons tabs for these.
I’m glad the question was asked about 3 and 9. I’m used to doing it the “other” way, and found it difficult to re-orientate. Got up and checked the questions! It still took a big mental effort, and i found the clockwise/anti confusing, too. Nevertheless, it’s a great lesson!
Thanks for commenting. Now that I know this has tripped up a few people I’ve added some detail to the Comfort & Configuration tab. Thanks for helping others in this way!
I love this lesson with the clock. It is so clear where there are hitches in my pelvic movements and rotating with this much frequency really calms things in my back down as well as providing tons of information and feedback.
At the end, when we turn the pelvis one way and the head the other, was so interesting. RIght off the bat I thought there was no way I could do it, but then caught myself and decided to just play and try it. Nick gives great instruction at the beginning and it put my mental state in the right place allowing me to slow down and concentrate and I totally did it…until I didn’t! Being able to let it go throughout when I got screwed up was helpful. Just start again. No biggie. One circle at a time!
I found it surprisingly helpful to imagine the clock painted on me rather than on the floor. My brain tends to be quite associative and it connected this to the image of the last circling motions/tajectory a coin or ring makes when you spin it on a surface, just before it stops flat. It helped me make the circles of my pelvis a bit clearer and smoother in my minds eye.
I just did this carefully and with a very small clock face) after straining some lower back muscles a few days ago. My whole lower back feels much freer and more flexible now.
I had a hard time with the orientation of the clock too- felt “ backwards “ to me but a good brain workout!
It’s been many years since i last did this lesson . I’ve avoided it as , I felt it had become so obvious and natural that repeating it again couldn’t be helpful to me anymore ! . I now realise that there is no limit to how much impact this central lesson can have. I leveed Nick’s delivery and after the lesson I felt grounded, grateful and a feeling of being back home in body -especially pelvic region.
Thank you for a surprisingly lovely experience. 🙏