The FP Weekly Class Blog

March Weekly Zoom Class Includes Special Events and “Intelligent Effort” Theme

February 23, 2021

In celebration of the Feldenkrais Project’s second birthday in March AND in celebration of the many silver linings of 52 weeks of pandemic-inspired Zoom classes, we’ll enjoy two special events as part of our regular weekly Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class, which takes place every Tuesday morning, 9:30-10:30 AM Central time. You can read below…


Recent “Bell Hand” Zoom Lessons: What people are saying

February 5, 2021

Recently my weekly class headed in an interesting direction that I’ve not yet explored in our permanent Feldenkrais Project audio lesson collection, but Zoom recordings are available on the page linked below. We dove into two weeks of the “Bell Hand” genre of Feldenkrais lessons. Studying Bell Hand lessons allows our nervous system to be…


“Embracing Our Differences” continues as February’s Zoom class theme

December 29, 2020

January 25 update: With interest high for me and the students we’ll be continuing our current theme through February. If you’d like to help shape the flow of ideas and lessons, leave a comment below. The last few months I’ve been sharing a new joy with my Zoom classes, one that I’ve discovered only recently…


“Rest and Recharge” is December’s Zoom Class Theme

November 30, 2020

UPDATE: now that December classes are over I’ve posted details about each week’s lesson at the bottom of this post. Rest is rest. Action is action. Learn the difference. Yikes! This no-nonsense phrase coincidentally arrived in my Facebook feed as I was thinking about our next Zoom class theme. It was shared with me by…


“Sensing Stability” is November’s Zoom Class Theme

November 2, 2020

Life is not a stable process. Our ability to recover is our greatest quality –Moshe Feldenkrais It’s a tough go right now. In the USA the dueling tensions of election season and the surge in the pandemic batter our sanity and safety. For me it’s been essential each day to harness the sense of stability…


“Practicing Lovingkindness” is October’s Zoom Class Theme

October 5, 2020

Weekly Live Feldenkrais Tuesday mornings, 9:30-10:30 AM CDT Pay-What-You-Want model. Newcomers are always welcome and you will receive a recording when you order a class, whether you attend live or not. Order Zoom Classes It’s easy to feel reactive and out of control as we face 2020’s many challenges. Back in the early summer my…