Bonus Video Content

Donor Event: 5th Anniversary Update and "Reversible Diagonals" Lesson
(Members & Patrons video content)

This Feldenkrais Project 5th anniversary event includes

  • Project Update: Where we’ve been, how we’ve done it, and where we’re headed next.
  • Lesson: Reversible Diagonal Lengthening and Lifting, with “Piano Playing” Fingers and Toes (back-lying and front-lying)
  • Talk: Nick summarizes Lesson #2, “What Action is Good?”, from Moshe Feldenkrais’s book called Awareness Through Movement.

Breathing Tall + Q&A
(Members & Patrons video event)

In this special event Nick answers questions about Feldenkrais study and leads donors in Breathing Tall. This ATM lesson is a unique combination of internal vertical movements (paradoxical “seesaw” breathing movements) with external vertical movements up and down your mat, leading to a refined vertical organization and sense of the plumb line of gravity when you stand up.