Audio lessons are usually best for at-home Feldenkrais study, which is why The FP is a 95% audio collection. But there are exceptions, and our donors have exclusive access! We offer the lessons and events below as bonus video content because of they include screenshare illustrations; or they're special events with Q&A, class discussion, or discussion of The FP intended for all donors; or for other reasons such as an alternate teaching of one of our primary audio lessons.

April, 2024 UPDATE: Recently we've added more video content as a bonus for all Members and Patrons. We're working on reorganizing everything on this page.

For now, here are the newest Member & Patron videos:

And I'm in the process of converting our older bonus videos into this new format (the older ones are below):

During the pandemic I offered several donors-only Zoom Feldenkrais ATM classes and Q&A discussions. The replays below are available to current Members and Patrons of the Feldenkrais Project.

You'll also find a free link to a YouTube replay of my first pandemic Zoom class, when my local class was forced suddenly online. We're storing this useful mini-workshop here for posterity!

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