Difficulty: Most Accessible
Interview: MindBodyRadio Talks to Nick Strauss-Klein (11 min)
Recorded in the fall of 2019. Nick talks about how he discovered Feldenkrais, what the method is, and what he's trying to accomplish with the Feldenkrais Project.
Talk: A Radical Idea About Muscles (3m)
Nick talks about how our muscles are rarely acting of their own accord, that there's usually a skill and awareness-based path to reducing unintended muscular efforts.
Talk: How We Respond to Strain (5m)
Nick recaps our explorations so far and talks about the choices we have when we sense strain, the dangers of “should,” and the value of choosing curiosity.
Talk: The Why and How of Growing Taller (6m)
Nick talks about the function of vertebrae and the axis, maximum skeletal length, unnecessary shortening, why trying hard can’t make us longer, and the power of imagery.
Sitting and Turning with Length (26m)
Learn how to make sitting more comfortable as you improve turning and twisting. Access and enjoy your full length in motion even while seated, including head and eyes, pelvis and knees, and everything in between.