Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement

with Nick Strauss-Klein

Wednesdays 6:00 – 7:00 PM
April 10 – May 15, 2024

At The Breathing Place
Olivet Congregational Church
1850 Iglehart Ave
St Paul, MN

***Please dress warmly, AND bring your own mat or blanket AND a bath towel***


I’m very excited to be returning to weekly in-person teaching in the heart of the Twin Cities! If you’ve been longing for post-pandemic in-person Feldenkrais like I have, this is our best chance yet to establish a class. Please join us – with enough students I will run this class semi-regularly!

The Breathing Place is a beautiful, intimate space for about 10 people. The small group setting allows lessons to be personalized for those present. We’ll focus on taking Feldenkrais learning “off the mat” and into our lives, through Feldenkrais ATM lessons and informal discussion.

Each week’s closely-related FP Weekly Zoom Class will be included with your tuition (Zoom link and replay). This means each week there’s an optional “homework” lesson you can explore before or after our in-person class, either live online Tuesdays at 9:30 AM or by video replay whenever you like.

The learning benefits of doing two different versions of the “same” Feldenkrais lesson each week can’t be overstated! It’s a fantastic way to study because you’ll come into the second exploration with questions to explore, based on the lesson and how it has reverberated in your life since the first time you did it.

The Zoom options are also a way to attend and follow our curriculum even when you have to miss an in-person class.

Please arrive 5-minutes early to class. Enter on Iglehart Street through the door next to the children’s play area. There is ample on-street parking.

The Breathing Place is on the lower level of the church, a few steps down from this entrance. The bathrooms are one floor up. There is no elevator, unfortunately.


How to Register

There are two ways to register to attend in-person. Both ways include in-person Wednesday at 6:00 PM, a Zoom link to the Tuesday morning 9:30 class the day before, and permanent Zoom replay access to each week’s lesson.


1) To preregister for all six weeks simply complete the form below by Monday April 8. Tuition is $150 ($25/class).

  • If this class fee is prohibitive you may select the reduced rate option of $120 ($20/class)


2) To drop-in for $28 per class, use our FP Weekly Class form. The stars *** next to Tuesday dates indicates there is an in-person class the next evening, Wednesday 6:00 – 7:00PM.


  • Be sure to enter $28 for “How much would you like to pay per lesson?”
  • Be sure to click the “OPTIONAL IN-PERSON” blue text and checkbox near the “Complete Order” button.
  • If signing up sometime between Tuesday’s Zoom and Wednesday’s in-person class, the Tuesday may have disappeared from the Upcoming Classes list. No problem! Just order the Recent Replay of the Tuesday date for $28 and you’ll be registered for Wednesday night class!


  • If the $28 drop-in fee is prohibitive please email Nick.
  • If you also wish to attend only online some weeks, you don’t have to pay $28 for them. Make a separate FP Weekly Class purchase for those dates, choosing your own pay-what-you-can rate for those dates.
  • If after paying for online-only access you decide to come in person the next day, please make an additional FP Weekly Class purchase of the same date to bring your total tuition up to $28 for that week.
  • Questions? Please ask! I’m doing my best to explain, but I may not have nailed it yet. I think it will seem quite simple and flexible once we get rolling!


Whether you register for all six classes using the form below, or pay to drop-in through the FP Weekly Class form, you will receive the Zoom link and replay for each class you register for.


Preregister for all six weeks

Four class registration, register by Oct 27
Liability waiver:(Required)
Sign up for Nick's Newsletter




  1. Kirsten and Benjamin on March 26, 2024 at 8:05 am

    Thank you! Benjamin is going to do it too!

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