Difficulty: Most Accessible
Long Belly, Strong Back Workshop Discussion 1 (10m)
Nick and students discuss the emotional overtones of this workshop, the difference between lifting up and through from your standing foot and simply pressing it, ground reaction forces, and more.
Long Belly, Strong Back Workshop Discussion 2 (7m)
Nick leads a little postural experiment and speaks to the "psycho-social-sexual stuff" of this material, and a student offers wisdom from a female perspective.
Talk: What Action Is Good?
This is the only one of the 12 lessons in Moshe Feldenkrais’s seminal book Awareness Through Movement that's a lecture, not a movement lesson. As Nick summarizes and explains it, you’ll learn about continual refinement, “reversible” action, finding ease in strenuous actions, sensing skeletal mechanics and shearing forces, proportional use of musculature, the effects of self-limiting labels, and what Nick calls the “positive snowball effect” of longterm Feldenkrais study.
Talk: Feldenkrais for Self Empowerment
Nick shares the nuts and bolts of why Feldenkrais is so helpful for self-empowerment: how it enables us to shed both anxiety and self-protection habits that are no longer needed, how good skeletal organization in gravity literally empowers our musculature, and how to tune any ATM for more self empowerment benefits.