Disclaimer: The Feldenkrais Method of somatic education is presented on this website for educational purposes and self-guided study only. The Method and all recordings, live online classes, pages, blog posts, and documents of any kind available from this website are not intended to be a substitute for professional help or medical treatment. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose or treat any pathology, disease or injury of any kind. This website, all media files found on it, all live classes available through it, The Feldenkrais Project, Twin Cities Feldenkrais, LLC, and the creator of any and all of these files, and anyone featured on these files, cannot be held responsible for any injuries or discomfort that might arise while doing these lessons. If you have any doubts about whether doing Feldenkrais lessons is appropriate for you, be sure to consult your medical practitioner.
The following are service marks or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild of North America: Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, ATM®, FI®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®, and Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerCM.
I’ve done this one twice. I found it deeply pleasurable -the mental pleasure of untying “the riddle”, the physical pleasure from the resulting effortless amplitude of movement, and the pleasure of finding this ATM influencing my gait the next day..
I loved this. Thanks. I felt I went from “gentle” walking to “proud” walking – fascinating 🙂
Thanks very much for this lesson. I had been sitting while on my laptop and was feeling fatigued before taking this lesson. I felt energized afterward, less anxious and more relaxed. I appreciated the prompts throughout the lesson to adjust to “our own body’s needs” and the positive feedback felt truly supportive.
Excellent lesson. It’s fascinating to focus on the sternum while walking!
A fascinating thing happened when I went walking after this session. After a while I noticed that my hands, which usually face my body, were facing backwards as my arms swung. I’ve always wondered why some people’s hands naturally do this since it seemed so unnatural to me. My shoulders and shoulder blades feel as comfortable as usual; the sensation is more as if the way in which my humerus fits into its socket has become more mobile.