Little Dips

“My bones are alive!” – Reflections and Lesson on Skeletal Awareness

In this “little dip” of discussion and lessons we explore how countering gravity with bones, not muscles, enables us to do what we want in the world more easily, effectively, and comfortably.


Learning to Learn, and Reflections on Teaching Feldenkrais

This “little dip” includes discussion and a lesson exploring how the job of a Feldenkrais Practitioner is actually to help each person learn how to learn for themselves, from themselves.


Pain During a Lesson: Connie’s Story

This “little dip” of discussion and lessons explores how we can respond to pain during study. By continually turning toward comfort and curiosity, no matter what else about the lesson we have to give up, we restore pain to its natural place as a behavior modifier, and we open the path of change and improvement.