Nick Strauss-Klein

Study Guide for the book “Awareness Through Movement”

October 1, 2024

While Moshe Feldenkrais’s 1972 book titled Awareness Through Movement is one of his most accessible works, his scientific writing and broad musings about the social and anthropological implications of his discoveries can be challenging to parse. The whole book is worth reading, but I’ve highlighted below the sections that are most helpful to read before…

Read More... publishes chapter on Moshe Feldenkrais and his method from new book by Norman Doidge, M.D., The Brain’s Way of Healing

January 17, 2024

[Update: added a link to an excellent Brain Science Podcast interview with the book’s author, talking about this new book.] Lots of excitement these days among Feldenkrais students and practitioners: a new mainstream neuroscience book by a respected physician and professor devotes two of its eight chapters to Moshe Feldenkrais and the Feldenkrais Method. I’d like to introduce it to…