Our Little Dips explore a theme of Feldenkrais learning, then illustrate it with one or more lessons. They always include at least one free lesson. Most Little Dips are first published in our newsletter.

In this edition of the Feldenkrais Project Newsletter a young cellist writes in about experiencing profound changes in his music-making, teaching, and view of himself. Joe’s story really resonates with me: I discovered Feldenkrais when I was about his age, while dealing with my own music performance-related injury.

Feldenkrais study is self-transformative by design, and improvements in ourselves translate to changes around us. May each of us find the sense of “calm, freedom, and progress” Joe shares below, so we’re better able to care for each other and our world.

– Nick Strauss-Klein

PS – Joe also shared a current favorite lesson for us to enjoy, linked below.

“A powerful sense of dignity”

Hi Nick,

As an aspiring cellist, I want to express my profound gratitude for the Feldenkrais Project. Over several years I have struggled with tension while playing. In looking for solutions I’ve tried everything from Alexander Technique, to physiotherapy, to minor surgery.

I was introduced to Feldenkrais about a year ago, via one-to-one hands on lessons. But I was unaware of the potency of ATM learning until I discovered the lessons on your website, which I have found to be of unparalleled quality. I felt such a powerful sense of calm, freedom and progress after each lesson that I quickly became addicted. The change felt as drastic and revelatory as when I belatedly got my first pair of glasses at age 7 and the world suddenly seemed so wondrous, now that it was in focus!

As well as empowering me to play cello with more freedom there have been many unexpected benefits. I have always felt slightly clumsy and awkward compared to others, but daily self-study gives me a powerful sense of dignity. I have also found drastic improvements in my ADD symptoms, particularly concentration and self-control, with the opposite side-effects to the anxiety-inducing medicine I couldn’t tolerate. And I have shifted my cello and piano teaching towards the style of organic learning that you cultivate in your ATMs, with amazing results.

– Joe from England, age 23, new Feldenkrais Project Patron


Joe recommends this free lesson, one of his current favorites:

Spine Like a Chain, Freeing the Shoulder Girdle

Back-lying, knees bent, learning to gradually lift and lower the pelvis and spine. This variant of a classic Feldenkrais lesson cultivates awareness especially around the middle and upper spine and ribs, the shoulder blades, sternum, and C7 (seventh cervical vertebra) region.

Check out the lively discussion in the comments section on this lesson’s page!


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