Difficulty: Average Challenge
Sensing Stability: The Sacral Clock (Patrons)
Framed with explorations of dynamic stability in standing, this back-lying lesson is a play on Moshe Feldenkrais' most famous image. Small movements in an unusual configuration of the legs create a precise, gentle challenge designed to promote new awareness and choices for our hip joints, pelvis, and lower back (along with everything else).
Side-Bending with Listening Hands, Connecting Legs and Head (Patrons)
Side-lying. Using your own soft, listening hands to help integrate your head, hips, and legs with an increased awareness and suppleness of your ribs.
Side Clock: Hips (42m, Patrons)
Side-lying. Uses the image of a clock face on your mat to explore precise movement coordination, developing freedom and skill in the hips, lower back, chest, and more, with nudges toward improvisation. This lesson can be studied on its own, but you may enjoy the learning challenge of, over a couple of days, exploring Side Clock: Shoulders (and Intro to Hip) first, then experimenting with your own improvisations as recommended in that lesson, THEN going on to this lesson.
The Liminal Lesson: Transitions Between Action and Rest (Patrons)
Mostly side-lying. Improving quality of rest and efficiency of action by clarifying the transitions between them. Get to know the actual sensations and somatic processes of preparing for action and transitioning to rest. Explored in a lesson structure designed to improve uprightness and gait.
Side Clock: Shoulders (and Intro to Hip)
Side-lying. Starts as a "Feldenkrais basics" shoulders-and-hips lesson, then uses the image of a clock face to explore precise coordination, developing freedom and skill in the shoulders, chest, neck, and more. An emphasis on choice, imagery, principles, and improvisation creates a unique learning opportunity for your Feldenkrais study: you're invited to complete your own hip clocks.
Arms Like a Skeleton, Freeing the Shoulders and Neck (Patrons)
Back-lying, side-lying, transitioning. This detailed exploration starts simply then dives deep into variations designed to help you get to know your scapulas and improve their relationship with your spine, chest, pelvis, neck, and head.
Side-lying Twist, and Rolling Recap (Patrons)
Back-lying, side-lying, transitioning, and eventually circling the arm. Recorded as the third in a series (see the Related Lessons tab). With plenty of room for improvisation, this lesson builds on recent classes and discussions with students about encountering difficulty in Feldenkrais study. Starts and ends with three-minute talks.
Rolling and Hips Like a Baby (Patrons)
Back-lying. Free your hips, shoulders, chest, and back as you explore rolling and weight shifting. Designed to help you add suppleness to your movements, expand your mental image of rolling in internal and external ways, and peek into the developmental neurological value of rolling and the substantial improvements available to most adults.
The One Shoulder Lesson (19m, Patrons)
Don't miss this brief, potent, asymmetrical exploration of movements of one arm and shoulder in relationship with the whole self. It's intended to leave you experiencing the differences created between the two sides of your body, which is a curious and powerful learning state that will improve both sides. (You can also repeat the recording for the other side, or improvise it, later.)
Buttocks Organizing the Spine (Patrons)
Mostly front-lying. Exploring and integrating contractions of the buttocks with different movements and configurations of the axis (pelvis, spine, and head).