We are grateful for your support, and proud of the Feldenkrais study you’ve helped us offer the world! We hope you’ve enjoyed the “thank you” benefits we offer our donors.

And we know it’s not always the right time to donate to the Feldenkrais Project. We hope you’ll continue studying and sharing our lessons, and support us again in the future!

You can cancel a recurring donation anytime from our Manage Account page. You’ll continue to have access to your Member-level or Patron-level benefits until your membership’s expiration date, which you can see on that page.

Whenever you’re logged in you can find Manage Account at the top of every page on our website (if you don’t see it up there, you just need to login first).

You’ll see a link called "Cancel your membership" which you can click to cancel your recurring donation.

If you don't see the "Cancel membership" link on your member account page, your membership is not recurring (it's either already cancelled or it was a previous one-time donation).

If you've got any questions, just ask Nick.

About your saved and favorite lessons

If you have an active Member or Patron donor account, you have they ability to mark lessons from our permanent audio lesson collections as "saved" or "favorited." These actions make a list of saved lessons and a list of favorite lessons. Both lists are visible to you as an active Member or Patron. If your account expires due to cancellation or non-payment, these lists will not be visible to you, but we will save your lists for at least two years from your account's date of expiration. Reactivating your account within two years will restore your access to your lists.