Over 50 Feldenkrais lessons, offered freely

Learn to move, move to learn.
Donate if you can.

Click an image below to listen now.

Getting Oriented - large

Short lessons and talks cover the basics. Great for everyone, perfect for newcomers.

Getting Oriented
(start here)

Essentials of human uprightness. Recommended after Getting Oriented.

Lying Down Lessons for Better Posture, Walking, and Running

Study seated or lying down. Reduce pain and improve dynamic sitting skills.

Essential Lessons for Easier Sitting

Reduce pain & tension. Improve flexibility & breathing. Best after the collections above.

Free Your Spine, Chest, Shoulders, & Neck

For more experienced listeners seeking precision, power, and grace.

Learning the Limbs, from the Center

Lesson titles and descriptions help you choose.

Miscellaneous Lessons

Below are 90+ additional lessons for our Patron-level donors

Everyone can browse titles, descriptions, lesson notes, and listener comments


75+ full-length and shorter lessons for our Patron-level donors. Our newest lessons are added here.

Patron Treasures

Nick's renditions of all 12 lessons from Moshe Feldenkrais’s 1972 book, for our Patron-level donors.

12 Lessons from Awareness Through Movement

For some folks the oldies are the goodies. Available to Patron-level donors.

Legacy and Alternate Lessons

Please donate if you can!

You won't find this much high quality Feldenkrais content offered in the spirit of gratitude and generosity anywhere else online. We are passionately pursuing our vision of "Feldenkrais for all!"

Our audio lessons are 100% funded by heartfelt freewill donations from our listeners. These donations fund The Feldenkrais Project’s efforts to 1) offer all our visitors and donors the best learning experience and technology possible, 2) add new content, and 3) spread the word.

Nick spends about 20 hours per week working on The FP. Additionally, paying our technical bills and compensating our part-time staff for the work Nick can’t do on his own requires $25,000-$35,000 annually. Your support really matters!

We are proud of our awesome thank you benefits for donors! Depending on how you give, these include lesson tracking (lesson "saves and faves"), mp3 downloads, more detailed lesson notes and cross-references, 90+ additional lessons (and counting), and even quarterly live video Project updates and lessons with Nick.

By donating as little as $3 per month you can join the Feldenkrais Project, enjoy donor benefits, and support our work to share the life-changing benefits of Feldenkrais study as widely as possible.

If you have the ability, please donate! Click here to learn more about donation and benefits.