Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) audio lessons, and one talk, that don't happen to fit into our primary collections.

Lessons can be chosen and repeated as you wish. Follow your curiosity! If a lesson isn’t comfortable initially, it’s fine to skip it and revisit it later.

Descriptions of each lesson give you a sense of its aim, though everyone's learning process is unique and you may find other benefits.


Talk: Feldenkrais for Self Empowerment

Nick shares the nuts and bolts of why Feldenkrais is so helpful for self-empowerment: how it enables us to shed both anxiety and self-protection habits that are no longer needed, how good skeletal organization in gravity literally empowers our musculature, and how to tune any ATM for more self empowerment benefits.

Side Clock: Shoulders (and Intro to Hip)

Side-lying. Starts as a "Feldenkrais basics" shoulders-and-hips lesson, then uses the image of a clock face to explore precise coordination, developing freedom and skill in the shoulders, chest, neck, and more. An emphasis on choice, imagery, principles, and improvisation creates a unique learning opportunity for your Feldenkrais study: you're invited to complete your own hip clocks.

Easing the Jaw, Neck, and Shoulders

Back-lying, briefly framed by seated explorations. Exploring and refining basic movements of the jaw, and integrating them with movements of the head, neck, and shoulders. This lesson is often helpful for reducing many types of jaw-related tension and discomfort, including some kinds of headaches, TMJ pain (temporomandibular joint), and discomfort and stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and spine. The recording begins with an important discussion.

Spine and Chest Side-Bending, Lengthening Limbs

Framed by standing explorations of how we shift weight onto one foot, this mostly back-lying lesson (often one or both knees bent) is designed to free the torso and improve awareness, suppleness, and integration of lateral movements of the spine and chest in walking. Includes explorations of sensing and initiating movement from the spine.

Breath, Belly, Back, and Hips: Connecting to the Earth (workshop lesson)

Back-lying, mostly knees bent, framed by brief explorations in standing. Investigations of the lower torso, especially as it connects through the legs and feet to the earth. This lesson develops awareness and spaciousness of this "middle" area, and the tanden is discussed and sensed. (The tanden is a concept from the martial arts, also known as the lower dantian.)

Fundamentals of a Healthy Back (workshop lesson)

Back-lying, often knees bent, sometimes legs crossed, tilting. Clarifying our image of the "five curves" of the axial skeleton in action: the traditional three (lumbar, thoracic, and cervical spine), plus the sacrum/tailbone and the skull. Learning to sense functions and efforts through all five curves, including breathing. See the Context tab if you wish to go on to the next lesson in the workshop.

Rolling with Length

Back-lying with one knee standing, and front-lying. Rolling over a long, spacious, breathing side, with plenty of room to improvise.

After you complete the collection, returning to favorite lessons or progressing through from the beginning again will yield new insights. It can be very surprising to new Feldenkrais students how lessons you "know" are a completely different, valuable experience on subsequent explorations.

You might also want to browse our Learning Guides for ideas to help bridge your Feldenkrais learning into everyday life.


  1. jean kirk on January 16, 2022 at 7:08 pm

    Lessons for use of eyes

    • Nick Strauss-Klein on January 19, 2022 at 9:32 am

      It’s on my list to publish some more dedicated eye lessons, but exploration of the use of the eyes is integrated into in many lessons. Have you tried searching “eyes” on our Search & Filter page?

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