Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) audio lessons, and one talk, that don't happen to fit into our primary collections.
Lessons can be chosen and repeated as you wish. Follow your curiosity! If a lesson isn’t comfortable initially, it’s fine to skip it and revisit it later.
Descriptions of each lesson give you a sense of its aim, though everyone's learning process is unique and you may find other benefits.

Talk: Feldenkrais for Self Empowerment

After you complete the collection, returning to favorite lessons or progressing through from the beginning again will yield new insights. It can be very surprising to new Feldenkrais students how lessons you "know" are a completely different, valuable experience on subsequent explorations.
You might also want to browse our Learning Guides for ideas to help bridge your Feldenkrais learning into everyday life.
Lessons for use of eyes
It’s on my list to publish some more dedicated eye lessons, but exploration of the use of the eyes is integrated into in many lessons. Have you tried searching “eyes” on our Search & Filter page?