The FP Weekly Class

Tuesdays in December and January: Low Back & Hips

Nick Strauss-Klein taught all classes except Dec. 27, when special guest teacher Deborah Bowes led

Lesson replays and free Feldenkrais Project “homework” recommendations included with every purchase

December and January’s Zoom classes were designed to help you reduce hip and back pain, and find more comfort, clarity, and freedom in all kinds of day-to-day and athletic movements. Through Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement study you’ll learn how to better sense, coordinate, and enjoy your hips, pelvis, and lower back.

And on December 27th we enjoyed an after-Christmas treat with special guest teacher Deborah Bowes teaching a class she called “Improving comfort sitting on the floor.”

Deborah is a Feldenkrais Trainer (a teacher of teachers) and Physical Therapist who always leads fascinating, sensitive ATM lessons and discussion.

Order Replays

See you on that mat!



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