In the spring of 2021 I was interviewed on the Feldenkrais: Moving into the Unknown podcast. The hosts were training to become professional Feldenkrais Practitioners, and part of their podcast’s mission is to explore how “to truly embody our human potential in a world of constant change.” I love it!
They’re working hard, through this free podcast, to elevate global awareness of the method and connect the growing community of Felden-fans on the web.
That sounds a lot like our vision at The Feldenkrais Project, doesn’t it? I’m pleased to promote their good work and I appreciated the chance to talk about The FP. I think you’ll enjoy our conversation.
That’s an Apple Podcasts link directly to the episode I’m on, but you can also listen on Spotify.
Click to see all the episodes, or use your pod-catcher of choice to search “Moving into the Unknown” for interviews with some of my favorite Feldies, including Cynthia Allen, Russell and Linda Delman, Alan Questel, Larry Goldfarb, Jeff Haller, and more.
Enjoy, and please share this free resource.
– Nick Strauss-Klein