Today's Lesson

Each day we feature one freely offered lesson and one for our Patron-level donors. It’s like dropping into a Feldenkrais class!


Freely Offered

Side Clock: Shoulders (and Intro to Hip)
Side-lying. Starts as a "Feldenkrais basics" shoulders-and-hips lesson, then uses the image of a clock face to explore precise coordination, developing freedom and skill in the shoulders, chest, neck, and more. An emphasis on choice, imagery, principles, and improvisation creates a unique learning opportunity for your Feldenkrais study: you're invited to complete your own hip clocks.
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For our Patrons

The Carriage of the Head Affects the State of the Musculature (Patrons)
Lying on the belly, knees bent, soles of feet oriented toward the ceiling, learning to tilt the feet to the side in order to integrate the pelvis, the length of the spine, and the ribs and shoulders with various configurations of the head and neck. Also, late in the lesson, discovering the potency of imagined movements.
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FINAL Donate Button

The Feldenkrais Project is a crowd-funded labor of love. If you believe, like we do, that more people doing more Feldenkrais makes the world a better place, please join the Project to support our 50+ free lessons. Choose between the price of a good cup of coffee and what you’d pay to attend a single Feldenkrais or other movement class. If you join at the Patron level you can access over 90 Patrons lessons like the one above.

Maintaining this site, spreading the word, and adding features and content requires hundreds of hours and over $25,000 annually. Your support really matters.