Today's Lesson

Each day we feature one freely offered lesson and one for our Patrons. It’s like dropping into a Feldenkrais class!


Freely Offered

Chanukia, the Candle Holder Lesson
Mostly in back-lying, knees bent. Using a precise configuration of the shoulders and elbows to mobilize and build awareness of movements and relationships of the shoulders, shoulder blades, clavicles, sternum, spine, head, pelvis, and the whole rib structure.
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For our Patrons

Rotating, Interlacing, and Integrating the Hands, into Palms Lengthening Overhead (Patrons)
Reduce anxiety and organize your nervous system by refining simple, pleasurable actions of your hands, arms, and shoulders. Integrate them better with your head and eyes. Eventually expands into lengthening your whole self, with surprising effects on stability. Framed by brief explorations in standing.
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FINAL Donate Button

The Feldenkrais Project is a crowd-funded labor of love. If you believe, like we do, that more people doing more Feldenkrais makes the world a better place, please join the Project to support our 52 free lessons. Choose between the price of a good cup of coffee and what you’d pay to attend a single Feldenkrais or other movement class. If you join at the Patron level you can access over 75 Patrons lessons like the one above.

Maintaining this site, spreading the word, and adding features and content requires hundreds of hours and over $25,000 annually. Your support really matters.