Thank you! Our 50+ free lessons are 100% powered by freewill donations
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Here are all three of our options:
PayPal account NOT required
Use credit, debit, or any PayPal method
Choose one-time or monthly
Venmo account IS required
Pay @NickStrauss-Klein
8060 is Nick's phone verification
Send a Check
Please make your check out to:
The Feldenkrais Project
4692 Parkridge Dr
Eagan, MN 55123
Simple donation means you receive no donor benefits. If you'd like Member or Patron benefits click here.
Note: The Feldenkrais Project is part of Twin Cities Feldenkrais, LLC.
That’s Nick Strauss-Klein’s professional Feldenkrais practice. You may see this business name when you use PayPal or Venmo.