Want to support the Feldenkrais Project? Thank you!

A note from Nick Strauss-Klein, creator and voice of the Feldenkrais Project:

Since 2015 we’ve been entirely funded by listener donations, and we are grateful for your help in achieving our vision. Recurring support from our listeners is crucial for the Feldenkrais Project’s long term viability. And, we understand you might prefer to offer a one-time donation.

We do accept one-time donations, and you can even become a Member or Patron (and receive our “thank you” benefits) with a single donation.

Here are three options, and some helpful info about recurring donations and donor benefits:


Become a Member or Patron and cancel anytime

You can become a Member or Patron, and cancel your recurring donation anytime (here's how). Your benefits will last until the end of your membership period, no matter when you cancel.

For example, if you sign up as a quarterly Patron, then decide not to continue donating, just cancel your membership anytime before the end of the three months. Your Patron benefits will continue through the three months, then expire, and you won’t be charged again.

And if you’ve canceled, the top of every page will tell you when your benefits expire whenever you’re logged in. Enjoy them until then!


Quarterly and yearly Patron donations

Continuous support and a great value for benefits, no renewal surprises

Donors who become Patrons with our quarterly or yearly recurring options receive ongoing Patron benefits at a better value than our monthly Patron option, and generously sustain the Feldenkrais Project. For these donors, the account bar at the top of every page on our website will show your renewal date whenever you’re logged in, AND we'll email you about two weeks before your renewal to remind you that you'll be charged again. No surprises. If you decide not to continue donating, just cancel before your renewal date (and enjoy your benefits until then).


Use our Simple Donation method

If you’re not interested in our donor benefits you can use the legacy PayPal donation method (no PayPal account required) that funded us through all our startup years at Twin Cities Feldenkrais, LLC. That’s Nick Strauss-Klein’s professional practice (you’ll see it mentioned during PayPal checkout).

Click here to go to our Join the Project page and find the Simple Donation box. Click “Simply Donate” and give any amount you want. Non-recurring is the default choice. Thank you for your support!

What if I made a donation I didn’t intend?

No problem, just contact me within 30 days of the donation and I’ll return it. The Feldenkrais Project is powered by gratitude and generosity, and I want everything exchanging between us (lessons and donations) to be part of that intention! We would be happy to make things right for you if you didn’t mean to donate.

Got any other questions about donation to the Feldenkrais Project? Just ask!

Together we’re making the world a better place by offering thousands of people no barrier to access some of the highest quality Feldenkrais home study available on the web. I believe passionately that making the Feldenkrais Method available to the world, including to those who lack funds or access to teachers, makes the world a better place for all of us.

It’s amazing what we’ve accomplished together, and in gratitude and joy I offer our Members and Patrons as much additional valuable content as I can!

Thank you, to all our donors, for your support!

– Nick

Ready to donate? Thank you!