Position: standing
Hip and Shoulder Diagonals for Better Walking (Patrons)
Back-lying, framed by brief standing and walking explorations. Develop the diagonal connections across your torso and limbs through gentle movements and creative imagery. Expand the scope of your learning through references to the pelvic floor, breathing with length, and the freedom of your head.
Dynamic Balance: Coordinates of the Head (Patrons)
Back, front, and side-lying, framed by explorations of dynamic balance in standing. Soften your chest, integrate your head, spine, and pelvis, and improve your balance, posture, and breathing by learning to circle your head in your hands in many lying down configurations.
Global Breathing with Floating Ribs and Sternum (49m, Patrons)
Back-lying, framed by brief standing explorations. Encounter, expand, and enjoy the three dimensional movements of your floating ribs, sternum, and the rest of your chest in this detailed investigation of your profoundly adaptable breath. Discover how changes to breathing and internal spaces alter your perception of yourself and your presence in the world.
Whole Body Arms (Patrons)
Side-lying. Learn to reach, roll, twist, and circle your arms with better whole body support from your shoulders, chest, and all the rest. Framed by standing explorations designed to demonstrate how the freedom of the neck, shoulders, chest, and pelvis benefits balance.
Workshop: Balance Myths, Facts, and Practice, Part 1 (Patrons)
In this workshop Nick shares practical tips, tools, and Feldenkrais lessons to improve your balance. He dispels common misunderstandings and highlights principles of physics and learning you can sense and practice on your own.
Workshop: Balance Myths, Facts, and Practice, Part 2 (Patrons)
In this workshop Nick shares practical tips, tools, and Feldenkrais lessons to improve your balance. He dispels common misunderstandings and highlights principles of physics and learning you can sense and practice on your own. Part one of the workshop is here.
Dynamic Balance: Stability Through Suppleness (Patrons)
Framed by brief explorations in standing, this mostly side-lying lesson presents gently de-stabilizing movements of the head and legs to help you explore and improve your balance in a supple, whole-self way.
Sensing Stability: The Sacral Clock (Patrons)
Framed with explorations of dynamic stability in standing, this back-lying lesson is a play on Moshe Feldenkrais' most famous image. Small movements in an unusual configuration of the legs create a precise, gentle challenge designed to promote new awareness and choices for our hip joints, pelvis, and lower back (along with everything else).
Spine and Chest Side-Bending, Lengthening Limbs
Framed by standing explorations of how we shift weight onto one foot, this mostly back-lying lesson (often one or both knees bent) is designed to free the torso and improve awareness, suppleness, and integration of lateral movements of the spine and chest in walking. Includes explorations of sensing and initiating movement from the spine.
The Movement of the Eyes Organizes the Movement of the Body (Patrons)
Standing, then mostly side-sitting on the floor, with rests lying on the back. Discovering how improving the smooth tracking of the eyes in various turning motions can improve the whole self.
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