Difficulty: Average Challenge
Freeing Your Breath and Spine (16m or 37m)
Explore paradoxical ("seesaw") breathing in various positions to unlock your breathing apparatus. The back-lying first 16 minutes can be studied alone. Discover more pleasurable, adaptable breathing using 360 degree experiments with the chest and abdomen, and find a more supple, supportive spine along the way!
Strength Without Excess (23m)
Feldenkrais isn’t exercise, it’s learning! Back-lying, often hands and head configured like a sit-up, learning to skillfully draw elbows and knees together by sensing and regulating the flexors AND the extensors.
Stretch Without Strain (39m)
Feldenkrais isn’t stretching, it’s learning! Learn greater ease and mobility of your shoulders, neck, ribs, and hips, and discover how a reference twist of sweeping a long, straight arm sideways through the air can improve without any strain at all!
Workshop: Stretch Without Strain (Patrons)
This full workshop recording presents two short talks and two lessons on the theme of Stretch without Strain. Patrons can listen to the full, uninterrupted workshop on this page. All users can access the separate, edited tracks in our Getting Oriented collection.
Freeing Your Breath and Spine: the full-length edit (Patrons)
Various positions, first half back-lying. Experiments with the verticality and 360 possibilities of the breath mechanism, leading it toward greater freedom and adaptability. Along the way, imaging and prompting a more supple, supportive spine. Uses what the Feldenkrais community calls “paradoxical breathing.”
• 0:00 Lesson: Freeing Your Breath and Spine
• 37:00 Discussion: effects of coughing, and the problem with breathing any "right" way
• 39:00 Additional ATM explorations
Workshop: TCF 10 Year Celebration (Patrons)
A public workshop celebrating 10 years of Nick's Twin Cities Feldenkrais classes at the St. Paul JCC, suitable for newcomers and long-timers alike. The first of the three lesson recordings is only available here.
Reaching, Twisting, and Gazing Smoothly (Patrons)
Side-lying, learning to reach, turn, twist, and roll effortlessly by improving integration of the rotation functions of the axis (head, spine, and pelvis) with movements of the hands, arms, shoulders, chest, breath...and eyes! The Curiosities tab has notes from an introductory discussion with the students before this lesson was recorded.
Effortless Arms and Shoulders (Patrons)
Side-lying, arm extended toward the ceiling. Sensing, organizing, and expanding effortless movements of the arm and shoulder by integrating them with the whole self, with particular attention to imagery of lengthening the torso. Learning to sense the gravitational plumb line and its neuromusculoskeletal relationship with ease and effort.
Stepping Down, with a Bias (Patrons)
This mostly side-lying lesson explores the relationship of our natural spinal bias with our uprightness. It's designed to help us clarify and harness the fine movements and wonderful sensitivity and power available throughout our spine as we step down. "Stepping down" is how we organize ourselves to deliver force through our legs as we stand, balance, walk, and move in all upright activities.
Finding and Using Your Spinal Bias to Step Down (33m, Patrons)
Framed by brief explorations in standing, this mostly side-lying lesson helps you discover your primary spinal bias. You’ll explore how a refined awareness and conscious use of your spine’s natural bias can improve how you send your foot out into the world in all upright activities.