Lessons & Learning Blog
Mini-Workshop: Organizing Your Feet for Balance, Posture, and Power
(Members & Patrons bonus video)
This version for our donors features gallery view, lesson notes, and no ads. This workshop is also available on YouTube.
Back-lying. This 75-minute mini-workshop combines abbreviated versions of two Feldenkrais Project favorites:
- Lesson #1: Breath, Belly, Back, & Hips
- Lesson #2: Activating the Arches
We’ve launched Getting Oriented, our new lesson collection, now available for all!
Getting Oriented, our new collection of short talks (3-5 minutes) and lessons (about 25-35 minutes) covering the basics can be found on our homepage, or right here: https://feldenkraisproject.com/collection/getting-oriented/ This is our newest and best way to help a friend or family member get started with Feldenkrais study, so please share that link as widely as…
Our New Lesson Collection is Now In “Early Access” for Donors
Getting Oriented, our new collection of short talks and lessons for all our listeners, is almost ready for public launch! Members and Patrons of the Feldenkrais Project, as donors you have early access to this content right now! We would LOVE to have your feedback. Please go to https://feldenkraisproject.com/collection/getting-oriented/ and login to your donor account….
Collection: Getting Oriented
While most Feldenkrais classes are an hour, Getting Oriented is our series of ten short Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons and brief talks designed to introduce or refresh the basics. We’ll cover some of the movements, guided attention techniques, and learning principles that Feldenkrais ATM study utilizes most often.
Our Primary Spinal Bias: Featured Lessons and Listener Letter
In this “little dip” of discussion and lessons we explore how our spines do not function symmetrically. Knowing this, and harnessing your primary bias, is tremendously valuable in all human function.
Our Home Study “How To” contest became a great resource!
We are delighted that so many of you shared your tips, tricks, and traditions for doing Feldenkrais Project lessons during our Home Study “How To” contest! To recap: anyone on the mailing list could leave a comment about their home study routine, and each commenter had one “raffle ticket”. We selected the winner by drawing…
Contest: Win Three Months of Patron-Level Benefits!
For the rest of January we’re running a listener comment contest to crowd-source some really practical information. Learn about other listeners’ tips and tricks for studying Feldenkrais Project lessons at home, and add your own to enter for a chance to win three months of Patron-Level Benefits! Visit our Home Study “How-To” page for full…
Added Easing the Jaw, Neck, and Shoulders to our public collection!
I’ve just added a new lesson for all Feldenkrais Project listeners: you can now find Easing the Jaw, Neck, and Shoulders in our Miscellaneous Lessons collection. A jaw-related lesson has been one of the very top listener requests. Happy to offer a first take on this topic! Enjoy your studies, and let me know how…
“My bones are alive!” – Reflections and Lesson on Skeletal Awareness
In this “little dip” of discussion and lessons we explore how countering gravity with bones, not muscles, enables us to do what we want in the world more easily, effectively, and comfortably.
Don’t Have an Hour? You Can Still Enjoy a Lesson
The following first appeared as an June 2019 newsletter for the Feldenkrais Project email list. You can subscribe right here. “I don’t have an hour.” “My lesson was interrupted.” “Can I still do [or finish] a lesson?” This kind of question is perhaps the most common one I’ve received about studying our hour-long Feldenkrais Awareness…