Dear Patrons,

Would you like to help out The FP in an enjoyable way that’s great for your learning? And, you could win three extra months of Patron benefits! Between now and the end of September, simply explore any lessons from our ATM book lesson collection, then leave a public comment about your experience.

Each of these lessons that you leave a comment on counts as an entry into a random drawing to win three more months of Patron benefits added to your account, a $54 value! If you win, we’ll pause your payments or extend your Patron benefits for three months.

Contest Goals:

  • As part of The FP’s 2024 initiative to support the Feldenkrais profession more directly, it’s time to make some noise about one of our most valuable resources for Feldenkrais teachers and experienced Felden-fans. We’re seeking questions and discussion about these lessons, feedback to help me refine the lessons and their descriptions and notes, and testimonials, so I can put finishing touches on this collection and prepare to market it more broadly.
  • All comments reflecting on your learning experience count as entries – I’m not just fishing for glowing “reviews” 😊.
  • With the help of your feedback, this fall I plan to refine and officially launch this complete collection into the Feldenkrais professional community of teachers, trainees, and trainers.

So all you have to do to enter is enjoy fascinating Moshe Feldenkrais classic lessons and reflect on your experience – it’s that easy! Enter once or a couple times, or increase your odds – and your learning – by doing as many of the 12 lessons as you can by the end of September! Detailed contest rules are below.

For a personal learning challenge, why not explore all 12 of these lessons that Feldenkrais considered seminal to his work? As of today that means just two per week, a great rate of study for any Felden-fan.

Note: We’re seeking comments from all Patrons, not just Feldenkrais professionals. A major part of my goal with the collection is to present these lessons in ways accessible to the general public – even the gnarlier ones Feldenkrais Practitioners don’t usually teach in their classes. Feedback from non-pros is just as valuable as from professionals!

12 Lessons from Feldenkrais’s ATM book

Contest rules:

  • Contest runs August 8th – September 30th, 2024, and is open to current Patrons (defined as currently receiving Patron benefits, even if you’ve cancelled future donations).
  • Winning Patron will be chosen by random drawing and notified by email. Winning Patron’s account’s payments will be paused or delayed by three months, or, for cancelled accounts, Patron benefits will be extended by three months.
  • 12 chances to win: submit a comment on any or all of these 12 lessons. Your first comment on each lesson page from Aug 8 – Sept 30 counts as a contest entry, as long as it reflects having actually done the lesson and is submitted in good faith with the Contest Goals above. (In other words, writing only “I did the lesson” won’t count as an entry.)
  • Testimonials, study questions (which I’ll answer), and feedback about anything unclear about the lesson, description, or lesson notes all qualify as entries.
  • If your comment is better as behind-the-scenes feedback for us it still counts as an entry, even if we don’t publish it.
  • YES, comments can be made anonymously by first name only, or initials. Just be sure to be logged into your Patron account when you comment, OR submit your comment using your Patron account email address, so we can notify you if you win. (Email addresses are never shared publicly.)


And there are TWO MORE chances to win:

A lot of Felden-fans love this book. These are for all you folks who’ve dived deep into it, or my renditions of its lessons.

1) Leave a comment about the whole collection on the collection page (not on a specific lesson).

  • When I promote this collection later this fall, it will be really helpful to have “book jacket blurb” kinds of testimonials. You don’t need to have studied all 12. If you’re familiar with at least half of them and can say something about the value and quality of the collection as a study or teaching resource, that would be great! You might include whether you’re a Feldenkrais teacher, trainee, or student.
  • Or, if you’d like to see major changes, yes, that’s a valid contest entry too.
  • And if you’re familiar with the book and can say something about how my renditions supplement reading it, that’s super-helpful.

2) Leave a comment on my brief study guide for Moshe Feldenkrais’s ATM book. What’s useful about it, what you would change, etc. This one requires familiarity with the book. There’s a link on that page to buy it at Amazon, currently $11.


All this means you can enter up to 14 times!

As of August 28 there are about two dozen entries. THANK YOU! Please keep them coming.

Thanks in advance for any time and feedback you’re willing to share, and good luck!

– Nick

PS – If you’ve got a question about the rules leave a reply below.


  1. Gertrude Schmidt on August 17, 2024 at 2:06 pm

    this sounds like fun, i’m in 🤔💃

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