An important lesson has joined our public collection of recordings. Thanks to our donors, Arms Like a Skeleton, with a Bias is now free for all to enjoy.
I’m excited to share with everyone what’s perhaps my favorite offering of the last several months. It’s a classic Feldenkrais lesson on the surface, with a wrinkle I think you’ll find really potent.
There’s an introduction and running commentary about embodied equanimity, and we dive deep into the value of asymmetry, too. This finely-detailed lesson is so important that I’ve moved it out of our Patrons-only collection and made it available to everyone. It finds a great home in our “Learning the Limbs, from the Center” public collection.
A huge thank you to the Members and Patrons of the Feldenkrais Project who fund our new content! I enjoyed the chance to re-edit this lesson for flow and clarity, and to rework the lesson notes so everyone can pull on the many threads of learning they’ll find.
If you haven’t joined the Project yet and you like what we’re doing to spread Feldenkrais far and wide with our industry-leading free resources, click here to learn about donation and our donor “thank you” benefits!
Enjoy your studies,
Nick Strauss-Klein