The neuromuscular reorganization possible with hands-on, one-to-one Feldenkrais Functional Integration lessons make them an excellent route to pain reduction, injury recovery and prevention, building new habits of movement and awareness, and other self-improvement goals.
Functional Integration lessons are pleasant and effortless, done fully clothed, lying on a low, comfortable table, using a gentle, non-invasive touch. Students describe their sensations during lessons as pleasurable, relaxing, and fascinating. Most experience immediate reduction in pain, and over time they discover lasting, specific improvements in how they function in their day-to-day lives.
Whether commencing a series of lessons, or just getting to know the Feldenkrais Method on a one-to-one basis before doing recordings or group classes in-person or online, FI lessons are an excellent way to begin or refine your study of the method.
Feldenkrais is a system of movement education with applications similar to physical therapy, but more holistic. When someone wants to reduce pain, recover from an injury, or improve an aspect of themselves (anything related to movement, balance, posture, athletics, or artistic performance), a Feldenkrais lesson addresses the whole person—not just the symptom—by eliciting changes in the nervous system. Scientists call this process “neuroplasticity,” the brain’s extraordinary ability to acquire more efficient patterns of movement and action if given the right environment. Nothing creates that environment like the Feldenkrais Method.
Feldenkrais teachers call clients students, not patients, because the Feldenkrais Method is based on learning. Students are full participants in their improvement, and sessions are called lessons rather than treatments. "Homework" in the form of Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons (like The Feldenkrais Project's collection) is often assigned after lessons.
Functional Integration is a very personalized process, and sometimes difficult to describe. Below are a few words from some of Nick's FI students.