The lessons in this collection are available for our Patrons-level donors only. Click the titles for more preview info. (Click here to learn about Member-level and Patron-level “thank you” benefits for donors.)
Lessons and events end up in this collection when they've been edited into other forms elsewhere at The FP, or I've since retaught them in ways I prefer. Listeners have been quick to inquire when content disappears, so I keep it here instead.
If you prefer the unedited cut, the original teaching, or just want to have additional ways to explore, you'll find some alternate recordings below.
There's no particular learning order to this collection, so follow your curiosity! Descriptions of each lesson give you a sense of its aim, though everyone's learning process is unique and you may find other benefits.

Returning to favorite lessons will yield new insights. It can be very surprising to new Feldenkrais students how lessons you "know" are a completely different, valuable experience on subsequent explorations.
You might also want to browse our Learning Guides for ideas to help bridge your Feldenkrais learning into everyday life.