This tab appears on lessons where alternate teachings or edits are available in our Legacy and Alternate Lessons collection. Access to these lessons is one of the ways we say “thank you” to our Patron-level donors!
Logged in donors (Members and Patrons) can click a link in this tab to download the lesson’s MP3. Or they can visit our download page to grab all the downloadable lessons. It’s one of our ways we say “thank you” to the donors who support The Feldenkrais Project!
Downloads are available for our 52 free lessons only.
Logged in donors (Members and Patrons) will find my comments about how I studied and developed this lesson, often including publicly available ATM lesson recordings from other practitioners, which can be purchased from them for further study.
Sometimes sources are more geared toward Feldenkrais professionals, like the Alexander Yanai or Esalen lessons.
Some of my lessons are homegrown. For them I write a note about my influences and thinking.
Access to this tab and our advanced lesson search are “thank you” benefits for our donors, who make The Feldenkrais Project possible!
Here logged in donors (both Members and Patrons) will find cross-referenced lessons which share themes from this lesson. Links and discussion help you follow your curiosity and create your own learning path through our large collection of lessons.
Related Lessons are one of The Feldenkrais Project’s most powerful and unique study tools.
And while you’re logged in, our lesson search scans these Related Lessons tabs too, giving you a robust way to see which lessons are connected. HINT for donors: Search for your favorite lessons by name to see which lessons point back to them!
Access to this tab and our advanced lesson search are “thank you” benefits for our donors, who make The Feldenkrais Project possible!
This tab will always show you what collection the lesson is in. Sometimes we’ll share other useful study context such as another recommended way to approach or follow the lesson besides in the order it appears in its collection, and if it also appears in any of our Deep Dive courses.
This tab is used to prompt and address curiosities about this lesson. Often it’s got anatomy information, connections to movement and learning outside of Feldenkrais, elaboration on details mentioned in the recording, and sometimes additional variations that we didn’t have time for in class.
Here I’ll address common misunderstandings or add further details to things mentioned in the lesson recording.
This tab is always open when you load a lesson, since your comfort is essential to your learning. Please take a moment before pressing play to read suggestions specific to this lesson.
I’ll also add details that may be useful to better understand the configurations (body position or positions) you will be in while studying.