This is a Public Service Announcement from The Feldenkrais Project in pursuit of our vision to share Feldenkrais as widely as possible. It is not a paid partnership or sponsored ad. Please spread the word – the world needs more Feldenkrais professionals!


Have you or someone you know ever considered becoming a Feldenkrais Practitioner? Professional Feldenkrais trainings have been rare lately in North America, and I’m pleased to share that yet another one is starting up in the fall of 2024!

This 3.5 year program is mostly in-person in the SF Bay Area. Each year has 32-36 days of in-person training spread throughout the year in the form of 8-day segments spread over 9 days, Saturday to Tuesday & Thursday to Sunday, thus necessitating only one extended week away from home. Each year has additional online days.

The training begins online this fall with segments Oct 4-5 and Nov 8-10, with late enrollment possible through February, 2025.

Feldenkrais Trainer Elizabeth Beringer will be the Educational Director, collaborating with an experienced educational staff including: Scott Clark, Carol Kress, Martin Mosimann, Arlyn Zones, Donna Wood, Sheri Cohen, Ohad Nachmani, Donna Ray, and Elaine Yoder.


Learn about the Bay Area Professional Feldenkrais Training


Whether you want to immerse yourself as deeply as possible in Feldenkrais study for reasons of personal interest and healing, or you’re planning to practice Feldenkrais professionally or integrate it into your career, a Feldenkrais Professional Training Program is an amazing learning opportunity.

Joining a Feldenkrais training was one of the most significant and personally beneficial choices I’ve ever made, and not not just because Feldenkrais has been my full time job for 15 years. My training was like an instruction manual for being human, and for life-long learning and maturing.

– Nick


NOTE: The Feldenkrais Project is not affiliated with San Francisco Bay Area Feldenkrais Training. For more info, use the button above.

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