Hello Felden-fans!

Six months ago we added My Journey to our website, the ability for Feldenkrais Project Members and Patrons to create their own lists of lessons. It was a big upgrade, and I’m happy to report there’s been a lot of great feedback!

Some donors have even emailed requesting the same next feature we’re already planning: imagine jotting your own notes right on lesson pages, and later searching them. You could instantly find lessons that you’ve marked for “knee pain” or “sore back” or “stress relief”…whatever you like!

Right now, our donors can use the bookmark icon to mark lessons they’ve explored (or want to explore) and track favorites with the heart.

In case you’re wondering, these tools are private. Donor “saves and faves” and history are not shared with other users, not connected to social media, and not feeding any algorithms. On our end, we don’t even see individual donors’ lesson data.

I feel passionately about this because I don’t want to participate in the internet’s surveillance economy. At The FP we promise no high-tech hijinks, just convenient study tools for our users.

In fact, whenever we build new tech my slogan for our staff is “technology in service of pedagogy” (teaching). Toward that goal I do get to see a count of how many times each lesson has been saved or “favorited.”

This creates some excellent teaching and learning opportunities! Here’s one of my favorite examples yet of The FP using technology in service of pedagogy:

This month’s featured lessons

  1. Here’s the most favorited free lesson that is not from our intro series and hasn’t appeared in any recent newsletter (folks found this one without our help)
  2. free “hidden gem”: this old lesson hasn’t been favorited, but it’s essential Feldenkrais learning – and quite pleasurable according to the listener comments!
  3. And here’s the most favorited Patron lesson that we haven’t recently published or featured

Enjoy the lessons, and if you’re not already a donor, consider joining The FP to support our 50+ free lessons! We offer Patron-level donors 85 more lessons, but all donors (both Members & Patrons) can “save and fave” all our lessons and series to help track your learning. Click here to learn more about donor benefits, and the difference between Members and Patrons.

Happy studies!

– Nick

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