Attention free users and Member-level donors:

(If you’re a Patron-level donor, click here)

As you may know, earlier this year we launched an awesome new donor benefit we call “My Journey,” the ability to track your lesson history and create your own lists of lessons by saving and “favoriting” them. These lists are private, not shared with other users, not connected to social media, and not feeding any algorithms.

But voluntarily sharing your favorite lesson in a public comment is an amazing way to support our community’s learning, so we’ve created a comments contest!

Please help all our listeners find the lesson you love most! When you do, you’ll be entered into a random drawing to win 3 months of Patron-level access to The FP. That’s a $54 value! And 85 more lessons to explore.

The contest is open throughout September, 2024, and it’s easy to enter:

Simply click the button below, then leave a comment naming your one favorite Feldenkrais Project lesson, and share why it’s your favorite.

It can be any of our 150 permanent audio or video Feldenkrais Project lessons.

A sentence or two is plenty, and you can use only your first name or initials if you wish. Just be sure to enter a valid email address so we can reach you if you win. (Email addresses are never shared in public comments.)

Note: Don’t leave your comment on your favorite lesson’s webpage, but rather right where this button takes you. This way listeners can find our community’s favorite lessons in one place, at the bottom of “My Journey”:


Submit Your Favorite Right Here


To be valid, entries must be submitted between Sept 1. and Sept. 30, and include: 1) the name of your favorite lesson and 2) why it’s your favorite.

Don’t worry if someone else has already mentioned your favorite. Just share what makes it special for you and it will count as your entry. I’ll add a link to your lesson title so folks can easily find it.

One entry per person. In early October we’ll choose two winners by random drawing.

  • If you win and you’re currently a free user, we’ll create a free 3-month Patron account for you
  • If you win and you’re a Member-level donor, we’ll pause your payments and upgrade your donor benefits to Patron-level for 3-months

Thanks for participating, and good luck!

– Nick

PS for Patron-level donors:

We’d love it if you share your favorite lesson too, as described above. It won’t be an entry in this contest, but it’s a great way to support your fellow Felden-fans! And don’t forget, there’s another comments contest just for you running through Sept. 30. Check it out here.

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