May 4-8, with 48 hour replays
As longtime Feldenkrais Project fans know, I love sharing Cynthia Allen’s online Summits with you! They’re the biggest global Feldenkrais-oriented event of the year.
Here’s why I’m excited for this year’s summit:
- Like The FP: There’s a wealth of free Feldenkrais! You only pay if you want even more resources.
- Unlike The FP: There are dozens of teachers. Since my website only features my teaching, I recommend diversifying your Feldenkrais learning!
- New this year: New presenters, shorter format, wider context. Discover how Feldenkrais relates to modern neuroscience, other somatic practices, meditation, and much more.
- This year’s topics: Balance, Walking, Running, Back Pain, Chronic Pain, Migraines, Trauma, Loneliness, Joy, Grief, Daily Activities, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Presence
Cynthia is sharing all new voices this time, so I’m not presenting. But I am happy to recommend this learning opportunity – I’ll be watching too!
Important to know: When you sign up with this link, I may receive a portion of any future purchases you make from Cynthia. I am grateful for your support – thanks for using my affiliate link!
-Nick Strauss-Klein