Announcing minor housekeeping changes at the Feldenkrais Project:

Rather than making a blog post like this every time I add a new lesson to our rapidly growing collection of additional lessons exclusively for our Patron-level donors, anyone (current donor or not, logged in or not) can simply take a peek at our Patron Treasures collection to see the titles and descriptions of our newest lessons, which show up at the top of the list.

If you click on a lesson in this list and you’re not logged in, you’ll be prompted to login or join the Project as a Patron-level donor.

Also, with the unanimous consent of all the Patron-level donors who replied to the question I asked in my last Patrons email, I’m in the process of moving all the audio recordings of the lessons I’ve taught in our quarterly live video conferences for Patrons into the Patron Treasures collection. Here’s why:

  • I discovered that the space limit for recorded video meetings on Zoom is much smaller than I thought, and that it would cost $480/year to add more. That feels like it would be a poor use of your donations, not in line with The Feldenkrais Project’s vision. 2021 UPDATE: Because of our weekly Zoom class recordings we’ve had to add this cost, so for now we’ll keep quarterly Patrons call Zoom recordings available too, and also have the audio version discussed below when I want to add it to our short Patron Treasures collection. If I delete a Zoom recording we’ll definitely create an audio lesson page first.
  • I also passionately believe that audio is the best way to study ATM, and that it’s a bit boring and distracting to have my talking head moving around on screen.
  • This is also better for privacy, as Patrons who were kind enough to help me teach by letting me watch them explore the lesson don’t have their personal movement and learning process on video, online.
  • I can easily edit out any delays or distractions from the lesson itself.
  • One of our top listener requests is for more short lessons, and these lessons are about half an hour! I’ll be marking their descriptions in the Patron Treasures list with “SHORT lesson”.

Why not head on over to Patron Treasures now and do a lesson?

Patron Treasures - Feldenkrais Method with Nick Strauss-Klein

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