Free Your Spine with Feldenkrais

Tuesdays in October, 9:30-10:30 AM Central time, with live discussion after class

Led by Nick Strauss-Klein. Lesson notes, free “homework” recommendations, and recordings are delivered by email Tuesday afternoons.

Designed to reduce chronic back pain and tension, October’s weekly classes can help you “free your spine” by tuning into the details of your movements, getting free of self-limiting habits, and exploring more healthy and efficient ways of moving and being upright. These Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons can improve how you feel and function at work, at the gym, or at play. Develop a more flexible, comfortable, and supportive spine, with Feldenkrais!

Register for class or purchase recent recordings

Join us on Zoom if you can: live participants have the added benefit of unrecorded Q&A and discussion after class!

Can’t attend live? That’s ok! Whether or not you’re on the Zoom call all registrants automatically receive the lesson recording in video, audio, streamable, and downloadable formats.

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